Truth Has No Sides Podcast 1

Truth Has No Sides Podcast 1

Recently, I had a conversation with Charley Johnson for his new podcast, Truth Has No Sides. I met Charley during the satsang in Utah about 5 years ago.

I shared a bit of background, then the spiritual journey up to Unity. We went into witnessing quite a bit. Touched on past life memories & karma and refined perception. We looped back to makara. We discussed world as illusion, yugas, being a householder, and dying the cloth. I talked about healing trauma. Also, the collective evolution underway and the universality of consciousness and truth.

(My audio isn’t clear when I first speak, but it sorts itself.)

We did a second conversation soon after. It’s live in November.

Last Updated on November 12, 2024 by Davidya

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  1. Lee

    David, so excited for this one! I only made it a few mins in so far but this is great! As a guide and mentor, Charley has really “cleared my lake” over the past 5 years. He turned me on to you and several others that have really helped me along this journey. Looking forward to this one!

  2. Giovanni Ghirardi

    Hi Davidya, “We come out of the womb in this really kind of amorphous energetic state, like little balls of love basically” Where did you learn about this model of human development? I heard it only from the books of A.H. Almaas.
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Giovanni
      Yes, most of us shift more into the mind and conceptual memories, losing touch with our early, more somatic experiences. In doing trauma work, I’ve had somatic memories arise and have “remembered” how it was in early life.

      I’ve seen AH Almaas speak at the SAND conference, but not on this topic.

  3. Kjetil Wedervang Mathiesen

    Hi David, what a great talk, illuminating, uplifting and inspiring, should be on the curriculum for everone. I especially liked the end, when you go into consciousness and truth. Looking forward to the continuation.

  4. scott

    Hi David,

    Lots of interesting topics. I have a question about the Upa Guru though. I am curious to know more about this; Can you elaborate more on your personal experience ( I mean as much as possible, naturally) ?

    I began going through a very similar experience weeks ago; An upsurge of energy – bit more heart opening- first sending out the loving energy to the collective – but then reflexively sending it to a single person- it needed a more focused expression I guess, and this person was the closest that I’ve ever felt to this much loving flow/intensity. Side note: I’ve noticed the higher octave of the heart that you talked about is very easy/natural for me to flow with ( in other words sharing whatever love is there equally with all beings without discrimination has always been natural to me; sharing it , however, with one individual in a fluid way is more of a challenge.

    So when I poured this energy towards this woman , it seemed to kickstart a process. What is particular and what I’m curious to know about is, her and I are not currently in contact. When I sent out this energy I felt it being received ( at least subjectively) and afterwards it went into autopilot and since then I have been feeling energy circulating between us involuntarily and VEry palbably at different times of the day. It feels like a ‘washing’ of my energy body ( and probably hers too) . She has a certain degree of enlightenment so it could be conscious activity from her side- not sure- I tried reaching out to her through email- but no reply. Wondering if you can shed some light on this experience.

    1. Hi Scott
      Yes, when the higher octave heart opens, it becomes capable of universal love and compassion. However, it also wants an object to direct the love to. Traditionally, that’s the guru, one’s personal God, or an “upaguru” aka ones mate. A lot of Westerners seem inclined to the latter. For Ramana, it was a mountain. Many options are possible.
      I’ve seen several examples. Here, it’s come up twice – my own and a good friend where I was her object. In my case, it was someone I held in high regard and we had strong resonance together. We discussed it and she agreed. We became closer and began spending more time together. However, it soon became obvious we were not a good match for a relationship and we shifted back to just friends. Then the Unity shift happened, ending that process here.

      Interesting you’re doing it with someone you’re not in touch with. If she’s at all awake, she’d be very aware of it but may not recognize the specific source. Could be an old email address.

      From what I’ve seen, there’s a process we go through in opening and clearing, then it completes. Then the capacity is much greater. For example, you may have experiences of being able to hold the suffering of the world. Or to flow love in to clear spaces, physical and subtle. Or whatever expressions are natural for you.

  5. scott

    Hi David,
    Yes it’s particular that this is happening with someone I’m not in touch with. I’ve been taking the “whatever works approach” with it. At first the process felt like I was losing lots of energy ; like it was being siphoned from me without my consent but then I realized there was actually a loop of giving and receiving which seems beneficial.

    Yes, an old email address. Turns out that might be the case. My initial search said that gmail deletes inactive accounts after a specific time period but it seems it’s not exactly the case. So thank-you for saying that.

    I think I understand/ experience – to a certain degree- sending love or peace into clear spaces ( and not so clear spaces – like hell realms for instance) but what exactly is the experience of holding the suffering of the world…?

    And once this process is complete would you say the heart opening ( both octaves ) reaches some sort of stability/ imperturbability ?

    1. Interesting, Scott
      That was probably more about how you related to the initial experience. Here, it was like a fire hose, blasting out love. That there’s a loop speaks more to her.

      Right – I have an old Gmail account. It still gets occasional messages that are set to forward so it remains active. There are other resources, like social media, where you might be able to connect.

      Well, there’s a layer of being where a lot of unresolved experiences aka suffering sits. That open heart gives us the capacity to hold it when it comes up in experience. (We tend to have a natural aversion to it.) When this layer builds too much, it tends to burble up in social unrest, wild storms, and so forth. When enough people can hold it, then the pressure can release.

      And yes, it reaches a point of integration and stability and becomes the new normal. Of course, we’re human, so other life events, purification, etc. can overshadow a bit. But like consciousness, it becomes an ongoing presence, sometimes surging to the fore, sometimes quietly flowing. Post-Unity, we can also come to recognize the flows of consciousness that create and sustain the world are powered by Divine love.

  6. scott

    Hi David,
    Just to clarify when I experienced the heart opening it also felt like a fire hose of love; probably less than your experience but yeah. (I feel like there’s more on the way). Then through narrowing down my focus towards this person it seemed to get received/ absorbed by her and started an eventual loop. Your comment “that there is a loop speaks to her”, makes me wonder if you have any insight into why the energy was doing that.

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