In a recent article, Relationships – Towards a New Model, I spoke of relationships founded on love rather than meeting unmet needs.
There’s more to explore. When we move past relationship karma, we can have soul-based relationships founded in love. These are not like relationships you’ve experienced in the past.
For example, they don’t have the karmic entanglements that may commonly have drawn you into a relationship. We can skip the initial infatuation phase. This can feel neutral on the surface, so one can easily miss the potential.
However, there is a deeper flow in play. There can be an immediate deep comfort and normalcy in being together. Lots of synchronicity. They may also be very triggering as the mutual presence may amplify what remains unfinished. There’s a potency in being together, like being on a retreat.
Of course, there will be variations depending on the combination, but the motivation for being together is completely different. A mutual choice coming from a deep place.