As enlightenment unfolds, we gain access to knowledge previously hidden and experience qualities of perfection and truth. The layers between pure consciousness and our surface experience come to light. In time, what has unfolded in experience we become, including all things, God, pure wisdom, and much more.
We reached these depths through progressive surrender of more and more residues of our former identity as an individual.
However, shadows of that can remain for some time. We’re still knowing all this through a human form. If you’re still in the body, karma is still in play and blind spots remain. There is always more to learn and open.
We may live absolute qualities, but it is through a relative form. We still need to sleep, brush our teeth, and communicate effectively.
Sometimes, people forget this and get a little too absorbed in their sense of completeness or perfection. Larger, more powerful aspects can overshadow our person-hood. We can get detached from surface life. Everything works out as it’s supposed to, so how can I make a mistake? Responsibility can become confused. Without a little humility, we can create obstacles to progress, claim special status, and create messes around us.
We can unite with various avatars, but we remain human. Becoming an avatar in consciousness doesn’t make us one in form. We can develop profound and comprehensive understanding of our nature but still express that through the laws of nature of a person. We can feel perfect integrity within while being out of integrity on the surface.
It’s really very simple. How are life and others responding to us? If we’re in harmony, the results will be too. If not, problems will arise, communication will be garbled, and messes will result.
To the experience here, we’re all in this together. No single human can know all of it at once. That’s not how we’re designed. It is through our combined knowing and being that the fullness of totality can unfold. No one is above another.
However high we climb, we still have a foot in our humanity, blind spots, and karma in play. No one has a monopoly on truth. We ignore that at our peril.
Addendum: A further explanation came to mind. If there is sufficient refinement, the level of ritam comes online. This references a verse in the Yoga Sutra, that consciousness which accepts only truth.
With enough purification, we find this value, more subtle than intuition, becomes very reliable. However, as I mentioned in the article, karma is still in play. Thoughts that arise can have various sources.
We still have to test what arises with reality so we’re not responding to false threads and creating messes.
Last Updated on October 2, 2021 by Davidya
Hi D, I appreciate most of what you say here. I’m not sure that success and how others respond to us are always good measures of our being in harmony and integrity. It depends on the harmony and integrity of the society or group around us. Look what happened to Socrates and Jesus. Things got very messy for them at the end. But I don’t think either of them were out of harmony and integrity. On the other hand, if a society or group itself is out of harmony and integrity, then those who are similar, will succeed. Wasn’t Hitler very popular?
Hi Sharon
You raise a good point I considered for the article. It can get complex very quickly. Certainly other things can create challenges and drama like karma and purification. However, if such things are unfolding, it’s good to explore their source to help smooth and complete the process.
The point of the article is if we’re invested in our own perfection or truth, that can get in the way of clear seeing. I’ve seen very awake people create dramas around themselves while blaming others. Stopping for a moment and looking at the actual sequence of events can be useful.
For example, if a bunch of people are triggered we can say that’s their issue being triggered. But if the trigger was an unethical or inappropriate action, then the source is not their issue. That action can feel right on a subtle level yet be off on the surface. Perhaps it wasn’t something to act on, just know within.
Getting more complex, sometimes nature organizes events to bring things to the surface and intentionally trigger people so they can see their issues and resolve them. Yet still, the source of that trigger may find it useful to reflect on if it’s also triggering their unresolved stuff too. If they’re convinced of their process, they can be blind to what nature brought up. As such, it’s not healed and will be brought to the surface again – potentially even louder so the message gets through.
Note: this is not to say that awake people are lost in their dramas. Only that they can still have blind spots and unhealed hard nuts. If that isn’t recognized, they can create messes.
Tat Walle Baba was a great saint in India. He knew his karma was to die by being shot and he prepared for it. Jesus also knew his destiny although he was taking on collective karma too. In fact, Tat Walle Baba would have been also, given a fully conscious process.
So yes, they were not out of integrity. But if similar karma arises and it’s not recognized as their own, the resulting mess isn’t a symptom of completion but another round on the wheel of karma. The drama will return.
Agreed on your closing point. With Jupiter debilitated, dharma has been low recently also.
D, thanks so much for bringing out the complexities of the issue. In these days of covid,
vaccines, masks and mandates, etc. sometimes complexity is needed to get to a fuller
truth. I find myself very sensitive to such matters. Thanks for understanding.
Thanks for bringing it up, Sharon. Many people will not be able to see the source of what’s arising. They’ll just see what is happening and being felt. That’s what they have to deal with. The article and my response to you was more for the clearly awake who have the option of feeling and looking into what is arising. That gives a fuller picture and deeper healing, if willing to look.
Most of us find it so much easier to blame, to put it outside of ourselves. You see that a lot in matters of the pandemic. Especially because there’s been so much fear in the collective.
This is a helpful conversation, thanks David and Sharon.
I appreciate the nuance and balance you bring to this subject, David. These points in particular: “For example, if a bunch of people are triggered we can say that’s their issue being triggered. But if the trigger was an unethical or inappropriate action, then the source is not their issue. … Getting more complex, sometimes nature organizes events to bring things to the surface and intentionally trigger people so they can see their issues and resolve them. Yet still, the source of that trigger may find it useful to reflect on if it’s also triggering their unresolved stuff too.”
This is a great pointer to how the various layers play out and the need to consider both the specifics and the bigger picture.
Would you be able to elaborate on what you mean by “the source of what’s arising”? My approach is to attempt to see what there is for me to resolve and what is occurring in the other, and I do often notice that nature is playing a part to create the situation. In this way, “source” seems a bit meaningless because it’s really about various forces coming together to reveal what needs to be healed – I see each part as being an aspect of the bigger whole, with many different layers and currents. However, I sense it could be helpful to look at it a different way as well, to include the individual perspective more fully.
Hi Charlotte
Yes, you make a good point about complexity and source. The origin of a trigger can be complex. For example, nature may create a situation that triggers us to help heal & bring balance. But when we look at the trigger, we can see several threads. I’ve seen ones that had ancestral threads, past life threads, collective, and local connections. And nature can draw on several things to create the specific event.
It’s not important to know exactly, just to get a sense of it so you can become aware of your contracted energy in play and process it. Often, that part is singular but sometimes, it’s layered.
There can also be aspects you can heal a bit of but that are being sustained by others. You may not be able to do anything about that as it’s theirs to learn. This comes back to the question of who’s problem is it? When faced with an issue, that can be your first question. If it’s not your issue, or you’re not contributing, then getting involved comes back to the mud problem discussed a couple of posts ago.
There can be a lot of learning of the nuances. But the key is that basic understanding to notice how we’re reacting and follow the feeling back. Then we can come to neutrality. That’s our part in the process.
I added an addendum to the article to offer another example.