

Explorations of Life and Enlightenment


My name is David “Davidya” Buckland.

This site explores what it means to live life approaching, transitioning, and living in post-personal stages of development; what we often call enlightenment. These stages build on more familiar stages of personal development studied by psychology and biology.

I post articles as they arise, so please subscribe to receive notification of the latest.

This site began in 2007 and contains thousands of articles. During that time, my perspective has grown and I’ve changed how I see and describe our potential unfolding. This evolution continues. You won’t find a list of correct concepts or truths but ways of seeing the spiritual journey, oneself, and the world. Old articles don’t become wrong, I just add other perspectives. Use them to support your journey, but don’t confuse a map with the road. Let your direct experience guide you.





And now, the latest blog posts…

Embodied Spirituality

Regular readers know that I often recommend an effortless meditation. It takes us beyond the mind and into our deeper nature. This is Yoga. It helps the body heal and softens our attachments. We become …

Hidden Structures

Fundamentally, consciousness structures who we are and everything we experience. The physical world has been built up in layers. There are 7 primary layers (koshas) in this process. And there are 7 primary chakras (energy …

Our Psychological Birth

Margaret S. Mahler was a psychiatrist who developed the “separation–individuation theory of child development.” This came to be viewed as the psychological birth of the infant, which takes place over time as a child differentiates …

Qualities of the Self

Recently, I listened to a workshop discussing Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Polyvagal Theory. IFS is a psychological model. “Internal Family” is a reference to our system of sub-personalities, what I call the roles we …

The Fall of Self-Esteem

During the 1980s, popular psychology promoted the importance of self-esteem. This was both widely promoted and widely mocked as self-absorption. The issue with self-esteem is when it’s measured by our achievements, expectations, and social norms. …

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