Endless Possibilities Podcast

Endless Possibilities Podcast

As mentioned on Coming Soon, I had a conversation this week with Gareth Duignam and Eva Muller with their Endless Possibilities podcast.

On YouTube
On Spotify
On Apple

It was wide ranging. We started with an overview of the unfolding here, back and forth with reviewing the stages of enlightenment.
The writing process
The nature of space and time
Devas and other types of beings
Personal God
The 3 Gunas
The Dominant Sense
Nadi leaf reading
Heart/ Heart/ Gut
Collective Laundromat
26 Qualities (Gareth mentioned)


Update: they enjoyed our conversation so much we had another a week later. That’s now posted.

Last Updated on February 7, 2024 by Davidya

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  1. scott

    Hi David,
    Q about mind-body-spirit integration… ( I know you were cautioning Gareth about something particular) but I was wondering, do you think even an enlightened person can disrupt/create dissonance in another during the process of mind-body-spirit integration when one’s development is still in a nurturing phase so to speak; still fragile/finding balance/stability. Also, what is the role of speech or voice in the integration process…seems like it should be part of the mix?


    1. Hi Scott
      Sure. It depends on what you consider “enlightened” but any person remains a human. They’re in a body because of unfolding karma. So they’ll have blind spots, etc. Newer teachers also often go through some experimentation to find their grove. In time, depth, and embodiment the tendency to cause unintentional trouble goes down. Yet karma is also in play for the students and spiritual groups can be forums for major karma.

      Hmmm… speech can carry presence and energy flavours. I’m not sure I’d put it in an integration category but it can be a catalyst for shifts. Wrote on the topic recently:

  2. Lanny

    Yes, it was really good! Every “interview” you do I always learn something more about you personally and impersonally (ha ha) and more! As well as interesting and valuable advice, like not spending time astral travelling–take a plane instead, and hope that the doors don’t come off!

    1. Hi Lanny
      When consciousness becomes established and expanded, we can “travel” with the attention in consciousness. This avoids the issues. However, we’re still here in a human body so are here to live a human life. There can be a tendency to escape into fancy experiences if there’s any resistance to what is here.

  3. Lynette

    Hi D, I’ve just watched the first 30 minutes, will finish the rest later. When you mentioned grounding and integration, upon awakening (you mentioned you needed more grounding and integration) what are the methods do you suggest for grounding and integration? What do you mean by grounding?

    1. Hi Lynette
      Good question – grounding and integration happen through activity and daily experiences. This brings the big expansive states into the lived states.

      Grounding is basically bringing the energy down into the body. There can be a tendency to live in the upper chakras and be a little spacey. Then we don’t function so well in the world.

      The loss of attachment can also bring a loss of attention to the mundane. But as the saying goes, chop wood, carry water…

  4. Warren

    Loved the interview Davidya.
    Thanks for posting it.
    Sometimes things in the world that are coming up
    can seem a bit overwelming. And there is always this notion (feeling)
    to do more to help facilitate all that process. My attention seems to be in that
    direction more and more to not only awaken with but with the awakening
    of the world and all other universes out there. Which as you have explained are with
    in ourselves. And even no-thing at all.


    1. Hi Lewis
      Not a TM background. Eva was a student of Gareth’s. Gareth learned to give Shaktipat.

      I consider an effortless meditation like TM a safer and smoother path. But there are different dharmas.

      What’s fun here is meeting people who have come to a common place from different directions. It helps make clear the underlying process and what’s common and what’s a variation.

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