Energy Healing Viruses

Energy Healing Viruses

Dorothy Rowe posted a fascinating video of her experience using energy healing to explore her relationship with a significant viral infection.

Much like our relationship with stress, most of us resist an arising flu, don’t take care of ourselves, and certainly don’t explore it.

Here, she explores the purpose of the virus and her relationship with it through feeling and understanding (this is on the causal and intuitive levels), assisting the healing.

On YouTube

For context, Dorothy wasn’t tested as there were no kits available but she had all the symptoms. It’s widespread in her area but unreported as no one is being tested.

Her Infections healing protocol

This is of course done in conjunction with appropriate medical advice. Links to good sources on COVID-19

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  1. Thank you with all my heart for posting this, dear Davidya. World consciousness needs to integrate more completely, in order for awakening to be a practical tool for the transformation of the physical. The physical is rising to meet the spiritual. The Earth’s microbial structures are coming to our aid to make this happen. We are blessed.

    1. Thank you, Dorothy, for bringing this out.
      I am and others I know are experiencing significant transformation these days on much more expressed levels, including the physical. The body has changed dramatically. Part of that has been a changing microbiome but it hadn’t occurred to me that this is another avenue. Makes sense when you describe it though.
      We are blessed – even in ways that may not seem like a blessing. (laughs)

  2. Lynette

    D, could I use energy healing for my discomfort on my lower back? Well it is great news to hear that there are benefits to the coronavirus. However most people don’t view it that way. With this virus it shows how nature is almighty it can make the world ground to a halt. In the end health is wealth.

    1. Hi Lynette
      Yes, but it can vary what is causing that. Tension is a common one but there are imbalances that can do that too.
      Search her Knowledge Base for articles and videos for tips. Once you get the hang of it, you can handle most things but sometimes a reorienting as in the above video can be helpful. Perspective can make a big difference.
      (You can also use your browsers Search tool. Try other search words if the first doesn’t work.)
      And yes, because most people don’t view it in a related way, they’ll suffer through it, feel the victim, and get less out of it. I’ve had episodes in life where outer work fell away, obliging more inner reflection. When I learned better ways of handling them, much more growth happened. Same here. There are great opportunities to reset when nature hits the pause button. Going into fear is your worse choice. (if the choice is there)

  3. herwig

    She loved her virus like an icon
    Gazing at his picture everyday.

    Hi Dorothy, hi David,

    Thank you for this point of view. I had hoped I was not the only one to see this.

    I would be very interested in more information. I have had a similar experience and situation – remote island, no registered cases yet … – and at least some similar thoughts about it. Like Dorothy, I am in a habit of dissolving issues by interpreting them as a call for attention. It can be surprising how much territory inside of our body-mind-soul is still to be explored.

    But I am reluctant to generalize. It really depends on the person. There is still little known about the virus, and symptoms generally differ widely.
    Dorothy‘s pathogeny seems to have been an extraordinarily mild one. Mine took longer, but was not more serious than a usual influenza. It came as a surprise. because I usually do not get any infections at all. Not even in risky countries and without vaccinations.

    Challenges always offer the possibility to expand our perception of ourselves, but I doubt that many of those patients with life threatening symptoms will be able to develop such a love affair as Dorothy can. Simple attention and some faith in Mother Nature’s wisdom also helps.
    When it is urgent, the Divine Mother sometimes appears uninvited. When She finds us in deep sleep, She may have to make a bit more noise to wake us up.
    It has only just begun:

    Welcoming Shri Maha Kali as a caring mother takes a little experience that some of us may not yet have.
    There is an “Evolution on both sides”. Yes, I had this thought, too. Maybe we can be pioneers and help lead the way. But we should also be aware that will not be so soft and mellow for everyone.

    There is still work to do.

    “Man has no Body distinct from his Soul for that call’d Body is a portion of Soul discern’d by the five Senses, the chief inlets of Soul in this age”
    Wm Blake

    1. Hi Herwig
      I can’t speak for Dorothy but from her remarks to me about this video, she very much got sick. It was only that she recovered faster than usual through the process she describes in the video.
      Keep in mind she is a skilled, practiced professional at this. It takes practice and prior clearing to be with whatever arises and also to learn to how to use source like this. This is not because it’s hard – indeed it is very easy. But you have to get the hang of it and it can be opposite how we used to habitually respond.
      And yes, most people are experiencing this one like a flu. It’s just more transmissible than some.
      It rather depends on what people need to learn as to how the experience will unfold.
      Love Blake.

      1. herwig

        Hi David,

        When I said “not more serious than a usual influenza“, It meant not those life threatening symptoms that can also appear. But this thing has the capacity to track what one has overlooked. It is not the same for everyone.
        Dorothy‘s experience was one day. Possibly a hard day. But not at all typical.
        However, that is not what I am at. Nor do I doubt her professinal skills. How could I? Why should I?
        I am interested in collective processes, and I very much doubt that ordinary people can follow her. I do very much appreciate that fewer animals are being killed in China. But there also thousands of human deaths involved within a few days, and the transmission rate is exponential.
        There is a global transformation going on, and it will have a dear price. We should not belittle that.

        I know, I tend to sound negative in the ears of the enlightened ones.

        I also know that this is a purifying process that is overdue.
        I am aware that we all have only to service the debts we have caused.
        And yes, right, some of us have learnt to welcome whatever arises how to use source.

        But the latter was hardly possible without having failed and gone through the mud before so many times.
        I am sure all the enlightened one have. The master has failed more often than the beginner even tried.

        But when I read the comments here I frequently miss a sense of empathy with the huddled masses, and I am tempted to mention some other great quote of Wm Blake.

        I humbly ask forgiveness for having said this.

        1. Herwig, not at all.
          The intention here was to post a more uplifting perspective. There’s a lot of fear out there. It was not about lack of compassion. There are considerable consequences yet to play out.
          Dorothy is not typical but neither are many of the readers here. Some have the skills to work with this and are aided by such insights.
          And yes, sometimes I call it stumbling towards ecstasy.
          Based on how other countries have responded and the results they’ve achieved, it’s clear N. America is taking the low road that will result in more deaths. There is no intention to minimize that but nor do I have expertise to offer on the topic. But I don’t want to culture fear.
          Currently, about 80% experience some variation of typical flu symptoms and get better within the week. But yes, the others have a harder time of it, most typically the elderly and people with issues that it can amplify.
          There are likely vastly more infected than are currently counted because few are being tested. (again based on prior experiences of this elsewhere) Which means the spread is already further ahead than has been realized. There’s a good possibility that the usual exponential climb will land in N. America within the next week or 2. Jyotish is suggesting a peak around the end of the month.
          It’s not my intention to minimize any of this. On the flip side, there is no value in fighting it. Just adopting the usual precautions and being sensible as you note.
          It is my hope that those not ready for the upgrade in consciousness underway will be able to move on naturally. But the force of change has been building along with the resistance. At some point, the pressure releases. As you note, the correction is overdue. Smoother is better but we can only do what we can.
          It’s important to note that death is not an end. Just a chapter change. The key is making the transition as smooth as possible. Jammed hospitals from an exponential surge are not that route.

  4. People should not panic about Covid-19, but we should take precautions.
    Most face masks do not protect the wearer very much. We bought N95 masks with a respirator. These are used by healthcare professionals. Also we purchased an ear thermometer because fever is one of the symptoms.
    We should remember that more people die each year from the flu in the U.S. than all deaths worldwide of the Covid-19 virus. Yet, many persons have not gotten flu shots.

    1. Hi Ron
      From what I’ve read, it’s simply a more transmissible flu than usual but not particularly worse. Transmission amplifies the need for the usual recommendations – wash your hands, don’t touch your face, stay home if you’re sick.
      Because it can stay on the hands and enter the eyes, protection would require full infectious disease ward gear and procedures, not just a face mask. A mask may be helpful if you’re already sick to help reduce spread. But otherwise, the usual advice as above.
      And yes, there are many deaths every year from the flu, primarily the elderly and those with existing conditions. Same with this one.
      Because there has been minimal testing in N. America, the spread of the virus is likely quite a bit larger than currently reported. This is why some are already acting, like cancelling events. Much is yet to unfold.

      1. Hi David,
        Your point on minimal testing in N. America is valid. I just read this today:
        “The blunt acknowledgment came as the CDC reported it had tested just over 11,000 specimens for the virus so far, far fewer than other nations, especially given that multiple specimens are needed for each patient. Meanwhile, South Korea is testing nearly 20,000 patients per day, according to the BBC.”

        1. Right, Ron.
          The difference is the testing is getting the infected quarantined at home which considerably reduces the spread and thus the total deaths. This flattens the exponential infection curve.
          Apparently there was a single person in S. Korea who ended up infecting thousands. That amped up their testing.
          In countries that have not done this testing, the curve is much steeper and the consequences larger. Hold on to your hats…

  5. Guru

    I understand how with refined perception, attention can heal. This is at causal and intuition level. I appreciate your sharing. I am familiar with your 7 levels of consciousness. This 6th,gap always baffles me. please explain this gap! is it Shakti?

    1. Hi Guru
      Attention can heal without refined perception. It’s just bringing our attention to where there is resistance and contraction. Experiencing it helps complete and resolve it.
      That release in itself clears some of the fog to refined perception. That in turn allows us to to get into the detail more and see contractions we couldn’t recognize before. And so on.
      Transcendence develops soma which furthers refinement. If thats unfamiliar, you can search the term here.
      Everything more subtle than the physical is refined perception. Our dreams can be said to be mental perception. But if perception gets into the intuitive and causal levels, we can recognize underlying structures and patterns that support the more expressed levels, allowing deeper exploration like Dorothy describes. But that usually takes time to develop (unless it comes online from prior life development when the attention goes there). She describes it so we can frame our experience better.
      On the most subtle level, you have the self-interacting dynamics of consciousness – consciousness that is aware of itself.
      But that self-awareness creates a subtle distinction between the observer and observed. And that gives rise to a subtle space. As this is effectively unbounded, it can be experienced as infinite.
      This subtle space is sometimes called the gap. It may be experienced as infinite, or as a small gap between the absolute and causal. (This depends on if the space or consciousness is dominant in awareness.) Its often at first experienced as an emptiness too. But as the dynamics in consciousness become perceived, this “space” is discovered to be full. Awareness is aware of itself at every point, the subtle pre-causal structures, and the universes arise there. The infinite space of our universe exists within the larger space of self-aware consciousness. (Space is nested.) We exist in the gap. (laughs)
      This is profoundly abstract and beyond the mind so not to worry if you can’t “figure it out”. The point of sharing this is to help those for whom it is unfolding.
      Shakti is better thought of as intelligent power. The power behind/ within the laws of nature. What causes us to be aware and for forms to arise.

  6. Lewis Oakwood

    Hi David,

    Thank you for posting Dorothy’s video, very interesting.


    I wonder if at some level (as human collective-consciousness) we invited the virus COVID-19 onto the stage of human affairs, and there enacted a drama that takes us where we wish to go: an ever-deepening awareness of ourself.

    1. Lewis Oakwood

      And upon further reflection, not a battle between virus and human, instead, an act of mutual compassion, so, from the human’s perspective: as Dorothy says in the video; ‘when you experience yourself, (self-identifying) through the physiology, then that experience is held lovingly and then awareness goes back to the source of creation…it allows that particular egoic form to be purified and to expand…’


      And the benefit, to the virus, is its own evolutionary needs. ‘…activates the virus’ awareness of its full potential…’


      Actually, I found the video to be quite beautiful.


      Dorothy, thank you.

      1. Hi Lewis
        I don’t frame it as human collective-consciousness doing the managing but rather the higher intelligence doing it. When we resist unfolding processes, then the force of evolution builds until it finds a way to express. Collectively, this can take many forms, including earthquakes and other natural disasters, social issues, and disease outbreaks.
        If on the other hand, we learn to process our junk then it much reduces the load in the collective and things grow more smoothly.
        And yes. There is a perspective that see this as the Divine play. A beautiful unfolding. Much easier with the big picture, including of time.

          1. Lewis Oakwood

            Strange how things work out. Talking about things being viewed from different perspectives. Here is an extract from something I read a few days ago: ‘The coronavirus outbreak could see thousands of ‘low risk’ prisoners (in the UK) released due to staff shortages in jails.’


            The intricacy of it all.


    1. Jim

      This is a great opportunity for travel bargains too – Going back to Europe pretty soon and it is nearly 50% less than our last trip because of all the irrationality and hysteria around this microbe!
      Growing up in “third world” countries I was exposed to virulent diseases regularly and aside from shots and vaccines never took any precautions. Once we get out into the world, it is not as scary or threatening a place as we can make it in our minds.
      This fear of the unknown can be easily resolved by living Brahman.

      1. True, Jim, although many flights are being cancelled due to low numbers. Not to mention border closures. Some flexibility is needed too. 🙂
        The pictures show many popular tourist sites in Europe are nearly empty now.
        The current cycles are bringing a lot of fear to the surface, amplifying the issue. But yes, as Dorothy describes too, just bring it back to source. 🙂

  7. Jim

    Hi, Yes of course I allowed time for collective peaking, as if the world is tripping on acid – remarkably similar characteristics. I don’t oppose ignorance, merely see it for what it is, and take advantage of enlightenment when I can.
    Creating sinless templates of completion also means I get to act normal in the face of *any influence* – effortless invincibility – the birthright of all of us. It is vital that Reality be actively, globally maintained even under the warped light of crazy that shines so brightly from so many now.
    This is not a slow discovery of the truth by all sources combined. Brahman surrenders to the cosmos, while the earth still seeks the limits of the universe. There is no compromise, only reintegration. 🙂

  8. Some Advice from Yoga 2:16: Heyam Dukham Anaagatam (हेयं दुःखमनागतम्): Avert the danger that has not yet come.
    Social distancing is helpful. Waiting until there is widespread infection is too late.

    1. Jim

      Despite a massive hallucination taking place globally, there is no deadly pandemic ravaging the earth – nothing more than a companion virus to the flu. The panic is amplified in many peoples’ minds, but there is in fact no greater danger to anyone than there was say a year ago.
      This is a mirage borne of humankind’s inability to manage our consciousness in the face of technologies that amplify it.
      My job is to act normal, something in rare supply these days. relax and enjoy! The world is actually improving. Much of this illusion, this fear, is created by a need for an answer that hasn’t been cultured within, along with an over-reliance on media images as Reality.
      Despite all the concern, strong pronouncements and wringing of hands, it is all an illusion. Nothing to worry about. Perhaps some personal introspection taking place for those who need it, but nothing that applies to all of us. No muss, no fuss. 🙂

      1. 🙂
        Where I am there are 0 reported cases, but there are runs on TP and certain brands of cleaners. Does TP have a weird association with security?
        I agree there is a lot of fear going on but that’s partly the point of it. Some people need a bit of a push to help them to move.
        For 80%, the symptoms are mild and pass in few days. Then you have immunity. But for others, mostly the elderly, smokers, etc. it’s not so smooth. If the infections rate peaks too quickly, the health system overloads and more trouble is created. “Flattening the curve” makes sense based on how other regions have handled it and the results.
        Simple, sensible principles can really help. Especially in large communities. Fear, not so much.
        But yeah, my life is largely as usual. A relative got infected through his girlfriend, so they’re enjoying some down-time together with the cat.

        1. Jim

          Yes, the world is learning the drawbacks to not living Brahman, always available to each of us. Instead we sell our diamonds for the price of spinach. 😉
          I mention this because of the profound difference in functioning by the body when we can make available our full cosmic potential. Then, how can the cosmos be overwhelmed by anything??
          These paradigms of physical health that we enforce constantly are quite outmoded really. Based on a largely tamasic environment.
          On the other hand, cosmic energy instantly purifies our environment, such that when we radiate it effortlessly, no disease, evil, or negative energy can affect us. It isn’t rocket science, but it is solid spiritual science, validated every day living Brahman, our birthright. A much easier way to live.

      2. Jim

        There is also a widespread misconception about this disease, mistaking incidence for prevalence. Incidence is the number of cases uncovered by testing. Prevalence is the rate of spreading.
        Right now, the countries testing most aggressively are being earmarked as those with the greatest prevalence of disease, instead of the greatest relative incidence of disease (due to more testing). It is causing massive confusion and reams of incorrect data.
        Once testing is uniformly conducted, and only then, will we have an idea of the prevalence, the rate of spreading, globally and regionally. We will also be able to compile accurate stats on the relative fatality of the disease.
        Until then, best to remain calm and learn or continue to do Transcendental Meditation – Jai Guru Dev 🙂

        1. Some jurisdictions have been avoiding testing to suppress the numbers. But there has been enough jurisdictions doing widespread testing that a reasonable picture has begun to emerge. The death rate is actually quite variable, likely due to other factors.
          You don’t hear much about some areas like Taiwan as they’ve been handling it better.

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