The title may seem obvious, but we often confuse how we measure things with what they are. The map is not the road.
For example, when we learn to “tell time” or ask “what time is it?”, we’re asking about measuring time. But a day doesn’t have 24 hours any more than it has 93. A day has dawn, noon, dusk, and night.
(The division into cycles of 12 hours originated with the solar zodiac.)
This is even more true of space. We use a cubic or 3 dimensional way to measure space. But then we forget space isn’t 3 dimensional. 3D is just a way to measure it.
Buckminster Fuller showed that a 4-dimensional model based on the tetrahedron (instead of cube) produced superior mathematics and perspective. His book on the topic is called Synergetics, Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking [mind].
And then people muddle this further by talking about other layers of creation as other dimensions. Physicists propose models like an 11D “space-time” folded in on itself. But other layers are not other dimensions: that implies a different space. If space is 3D, how is each just one more dimension? Actually, it’s all the same space at different resolutions.
We’re not evolving into “5D” as we don’t have to go somewhere else to live it. We’re expanding our awareness to include more layers of what’s already here. And that has nothing to do with how we measure it.
It’s all about refinement so that we recognize the finer values that are here in apparently empty space. Those layers are full of life, of creative expression, and richness beyond imagination.
‘We’re expanding our awareness to include more layers of what’s already here.’ –Ooo, I love this line – felt very centering to read. Dorothy once described the concept that everything that’s ever happening or will happen *is* happening simultaneously and could be thought of visually as a ‘3D snowflake’ perpetually unfolding. Would love to hear what you make of that?
‘we often confuse how we measure things with what they are.’ – this feels like an analogy for the difference between ‘narrative’ and ‘presence’
Yes, I’ve explored time in various articles, like:
Everything can indeed be experienced as being simultaneous. And in another sense, it never happened, but was only ever an idea in the mind of God. And there is only now. And so on.
hmmm…. that is a reasonable analogy.