

I’ve written periodically about the term “no-self”. It’s a prominent term in Buddhism but its meaning is used somewhat variably in the larger spiritual community. For example, as in not-me or post ego. Or as a reference to emptiness.

In a PhD research project interviewing people who had had an awakening, they were obliged by the university to frame it as “the experience of no-self” even though awakening is not an experience (though it may be accompanied by experiences) and only a minority framed the shift as “no-self”. Even there, it was partly due to their traditions terminology.

I’ve also written a bunch of articles on Adyashanti’s writing which I quite enjoyed during the Awakening to Unity period. His Journey after Awakening DVD describing the CC to Unity process was just what I needed then.

I’ve not been following Adyashanti much lately but a reader recently pointed out that he’s begun using the term no-self. It sounds like he’s talking about the Brahman stage, beyond Atman, the Self. So in this case, it would be no-Self.

It sounds like the steps he’s now defined are:  (how I define them)
Awakening [Self Realization/ Cosmic Consciousness]
Non-Duality [Unity]
Divine Consciousness [Refined Unity]
No-Self, one lets go of God and Self altogether. [early Brahman]

Brahman is aware of Brahman, but by the mechanism of its own awareness, not as a separate Self.

This suggests he didn’t notice much of a refined stage post-awakening. It was more dominated by the clearing. But the divine came online after his Unity shift.

I’m not getting this directly so won’t put much into it. But it will be interesting to see what he writes about this.

Last Updated on March 19, 2017 by Davidya

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