Exploring Consciousness @ SAND

Exploring Consciousness @ SAND

Banner SAND15Rick Archer is of BATGAP fame. He plans to introduce my SAND talk, and interview me September 25 for BAT. Pamela Wilson is of the Ramana linage. We are a few of dozens of speakers at the conference. The Featured Presenters perhaps need no introduction.  😉

Last Updated on October 2, 2017 by Davidya

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  1. Pingback: Consciousness as the Ultimate Reality - Davidya.ca

  2. Well – got my talk time – Friday morning just before lunch and right after Rick. Amazed – its a decent room and I got 40 minutes. I can get the message in.

    We’re up against Bernadette Roberts though. A rare presentation by a well known very awake nun.

  3. Pingback: Some SAND Stories | Davidya.ca

  4. Pingback: Our Natural Potential talk @ SAND | Davidya.ca

  5. Pingback: Sophia Panel Discussion | Davidya.ca

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