In recent correspondence, some points came up worth sharing. Some people talk about dark beings (or malevolent aliens) controlling money. This comes out of a fear-based perspective that is personalized, in seeing laws of nature as embodied or personified. This article is not meant to be scary, but a perspective of what we might call emotional bacteria.
Dark beings can get some idea they have control over money, or people, or alcohol, or sex, or whatever. However, all they can do is manipulate available emotional energy. Manipulating people’s emotions over money (etc.) gives them a sense of control and feeds them the flavour of energy they like. But like the human ego, that control is false, making them insecure about it.
Also, they can only manipulate our emotions if we’re feeding them and giving away our power. For example, if we feel like a victim and churn in our victim-hood. In a sense, we have to invite them. But we stop feeding the shadow when we bring some awareness to our emotions and take back our power. They lose power and thus apparent control. It’s a little like waking up emotionally.
Framing this a bit differently, we can say our emotions feed on themselves. Whatever we favour with our attention grows. Are we culturing the angels or the demons of our nature?
“Well, darkness has a hunger that’s insatiable
And lightness has a call that’s hard to hear
And I wrap my fear around me like a blanket…”
– lyrics Closer to Fine by Indigo Girls
Here, it’s important to understand that a full range of emotions is good and healthy. We’ll all experience fear, anger, joy, and sorrow at different points. The issue is when we resist expressing them or if we dwell in them. Even joy is not healthy if we try to hold on to it.
It doesn’t take awakening to do this work, although some presence allows us to notice our emotions more neutrally. Then we can feel them without getting drawn into a drama… just feel and allow. But we may have to develop this through healing and transcendence. Parts of our identity can feel unsafe or unsupported. We may have habits of seeking less healthy kinds of support.
By itself, money is simply a medium of exchange. Like anything else, an unhealthy relationship with it can be corrupting. But only if there are elements of an unhealthy relationship with ourselves.
With the collapse of the middle class, there has been a migration of wealth into a smaller percent of people. This creates an unsustainable economy and civilization. But again, this relates back to our state of being.
As consciousness is rising, the territory of dark beings is shrinking. They’re getting more involved in the affairs of humans. This is sowing more chaos on the surface. Yet this is a sign of their waning. And the dynamics become more conscious this way, making emotions easier to experience and resolve.
Nothing in our experience is “bad” in itself. What makes it bad is in how it affects us. And a surprisingly large amount of that is about how we’re responding. I’ve been surprised to realize how much karma I’ve inflicted upon myself. This is a principle of trauma, too. It’s in how we respond, not in what happened.
This doesn’t mean we’re broken or faulty if we stumble. Just that many of us have not learned to have a healthy relationship with our emotions and desires. Those around us often didn’t, so we didn’t learn healthy ways. Rather, we developed coping strategies.
But we can learn. And we can develop a healthy relationship with ourselves. This leads to a richer, fuller life that flows smoothly and freely, including our wealth. Money loses its shadow.
Wow, thanks David. That article is exactly the truth of emotions and Karma. I needed to read it today, I am in relationship with a family member who is navigating life from a place of emotional manipulation. This article reminds me to be clear, stay clear. Respond from the place of empowered knowing.
You’re welcome, Theresa.
We all need reminders here and there. We’re surrounded by people out of alignment and in their dramas and it’s so easy to get sucked in, especially if we have related trigger points.