Spirit Bear

Spirit Bear

This is a more personal article. My younger son Sam is a prolific graphic artist. He’s completed 2 large graphic novels. For an Xmas present, he gave me a picture, below. As you might have guessed from an image on the About page, Bear is a nickname I carried for many years, including while he was young. The Sanskrit is Davidya. Love how it’s both sacred and playful, and blends old and new. And of course, there are other layers of meaning in there for me personally.

Spirit Bear
Spirit Bear by Sam Buckland

Last Updated on July 18, 2022 by Davidya

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    1. Hi Bethany
      (laughs) Happy New Year.

      I don’t think the blue ribbon has a specific meaning. We could certainly imply things from it but it’s creative flair.

      I don’t dress or sit that way either. And Davidya isn’t a mantra as might be implied. But it’s cool. And fun.

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