Denise Hagan @ World Kindness Concert

Denise Hagan @ World Kindness Concert

In several posts here, I’ve mentioned the remarkable singer Denise Hagan.

In November I saw her again, this time doing 2 numbers during this years World Kindness Concert. She did my favourite, Amazing Space and later, one from her earlier album, Perfect Replications. I just discovered the second has been posted on YouTube.

She has a remarkable effect on audiences. After this song, Shari Ulrich took the stage. She was so moved she had to pause for a minute before she could begin. I’m not sure how much of this you can get from YouTube, but it’s a great song in any case.

The Lyrics to Perfect Replications  (lyrics no longer online)

Last Updated on March 30, 2020 by Davidya

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  1. Davidya

    Oops – not sure what happened here but the original video was changed to private. She’s put some stills on a new version. I’ll post that now.

    She is most astonishing in person, “For Those Who Hear” 😉

    Joyfully, she is showing up in all sorts of venues around town. A spiritual writers group, a Mothers Day concert, a living room concert… She does an all day workshop with Rev. Carrie Hunter. Next one is scheduled for June.

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