Artists and the Future

Artists and the Future

At the end of last year, I wrote an article on the last What the Bleep newsletter. It was dominated by several articles on past lives. One of these lead to my reading and reviewing the book When the Soul Awakens.

Recently, Nancy Seifer wrote an interesting article on Artists and Spirit. She met several spiritually conscious artists and noticed how they can “can tell us about our future.” “…I interviewed all three to discover what the inner lives of artists can tell us about our potential to co-create a new world culture.

“What most impressed me from these interviews was that each artist had found a way to connect with the flow of Spirit and allow that flow to enter the world.  When doing their best work, each is aware of being “plugged in” to the Source of life-giving energy—the energy that heals, nurture and inspires.  Each one has discovered how to “flip the switch” and release the current of energy that is always present but inaccessible until we learn to tap into it.  Meditators learn how to tap into this subtle energetic flow through spiritual practice; poets, musicians, writers, and composers often do so spontaneously.  The special gift of artists is their capacity to make that creative flow visible for others to perceive.  In so doing, they provide us with a glimpse of the future that awaits us.”

I thought this particularly interesting in light of the recent article on The Future.

The article and interviews:


Last Updated on December 11, 2013 by Davidya

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