Since writing the first article on the Akashic Records, more has unfolded. I’m nowhere near a place where I can offer it as a service and it’s not clear if I ever will directly. But it is a developing arena of experience.
First, with the help of a skilled reader, it’s become clear that I have had multiple prior lives as a reader. This is why things unfolded right away and I was given such access. This makes sense dharmically too.
It’s also clear that correct technique is key. Touching the records can give a blast of experience, but that isn’t productive. Right query is key. But also right context or the information can’t flow. Yet when it does, the information can be remarkable, as it has a much broader perspective of an event than we may have had personally. Further, it can contain technique. We can restore historical methods.
The relationship with karma has become much clearer. Karma (action) is the flow of energy through the field of expression. In order for creation to be sustained so that we can experience and evolve, it has to be kept balanced. So, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Every movement has to be completed and resolved.
If the response cannot complete, a “seed” of potential energy is saved, waiting for the chance to complete. This seed helps keep the balance. When those seeds are enlivened, they become “sprouted” and play out as events and experiences, coming to completion.
The records, on the other hand, are an overlay on the field of action that records how the action played out. This supports the purpose of creation to bring out all the details in experience. If it completed, as most do, there is a complete thread on the “page” of our life.
The records are of individual experiences, cross-referenced with everyone else who experienced the same event. Yet, commonality is central to karma. It plays out systemically, with multiple threads concurrently.
If the experience didn’t complete and a seed is formed, the thread of the record is as if left hanging, unclosed. If suitable, it is possible to close the thread and resolve the seed. However, some experiences have to be experienced to complete, especially if others are involved.
The impulses of action and the records reside in the causal kosha, the space of our universe. This closely ties to the process of manifestation. In one sense, it’s all vibration and sound. The “unheard” song (with the physical ears). And this points to the potential power of the voice.
The most stunningly complete and holistic explanation of karma that I’ve ever encountered. Thanks for sharing your priceless insights, D. You know our thirst for this level of understanding and quench completely. Simplistic notions such as “good” or “bad” karma just evaporate in radiance like this.
You’re welcome, George.
Still early yet. It’s like getting keys to a giant library, but I have to figure out how the card catalogue and reading system works and how to access it. I can see it but what are the commands? The way others use it won’t work for me. Makes life interesting. 🙂
‘And this points to the potential power of the voice.’ Reading this gave me chills. I first experienced feeling resonance in my voice about 3 years ago, and have come to be able to tell fairly quickly where the words are coming from – thin and flat from the mind, like you said, or from someplace deeper, and divine. It’s helped me be able to shift where I’m coming from, too. Beautiful article. Thank you David! 🙂
That’s an excellent recognition, Jen. You’re right.