The Akashic Records

The Akashic Records

Golden Threads by Sean Madden
Golden Threads by Sean Madden

Life is a never-ending adventure. Doors open I didn’t expect to even look at. And as usual, some things are arising out of what may seem the sensible order. I’ve been aware of the Veda as the blueprint of creation and how it works for some time. But now, I’ve been shown how to access the akashic records in one of the practitioner programs I’m taking at the Centre For Healing.

To explain, akasha is Sanskrit for the space element. It’s the first to manifest and becomes the container for form and experiences to express in. Space can flow and vibrate, reflecting its origins in self-aware consciousness.

Akasha arises at the causal or celestial level, whereas Veda is at the top of creation in consciousness.

Understanding the records requires looking at time. Time is an effect of the process of experience in consciousness. Our relationship to that process determines how we experience time.

Most of us experience linear, sequential time. Yet we notice ways our relationship with that shifts, like time seeming to slow when we’re bored, or rush by when we’re deeply involved in something.

Many have experienced moments of Now or eternity in deep meditation. But fundamentally, creation itself is simultaneous. The experiences of all beings in the universe are structured all at once.

As we move into the space of our universe, there’s a shift into more linear time. This way, the body-minds of all these beings can process and embody these experiences through the limits of their mechanism.

In local time, we might describe those simultaneous experiences (the past and future) as impressions in space. We could call the records a portal into all time and thus all experiences of all beings.

The Records
The term Akashic Records comes from Theosophy and Helena Blavatsky, who said she learned of it through Tibetan monks. Edgar Cayce was a well-know reader. The Vedas call this Smriti, meaning memory. The Bible (Exodus) called it the Book of Life, although the records themselves contain no judgment. They’re “recordings.”

The simultaneous future and past are in a potential state in the present. On this level of fine vibrations in space, we can experience the records as like fine gold filaments. We access and enliven these with attention and touch.

As we share many of our experiences, the threads also connect with others threads.

There are beings responsible for organizing, maintaining, and protecting the records. Generally, we’re assigned a guide who accompanies us to help find what we’re looking for, with some caveats. For example, we can look at our own records, but for others, we need their soul’s permission or an authority. Yet we’re free to follow the interconnecting threads to see who we’ve experienced with. But maybe not how they experienced the same event.

There’s also the caveat described in the Yoga Sutra v4:21. “If the mind were to be seen by another mind, there would be an over-occurrence of the intellect observing intellect and a confusion of memory.”

This is like a mirror reflecting a mirror reflecting a mirror… We experience their record, but from our experience, not theirs.

Because of the way we experience, subtle levels can come through our filters with personalization. For example, it’s common for the records to look like an enormous library even though they’re deeper than form. Personalization means there are many possibilities and variations from reader to reader. The key is not to confuse the form with what is – it’s all about function. The form is just a way to interact with the function. It’s not “real” in itself. Just an appearance to interact and communicate with.

In my case, a soul’s record looks like a large book, with a page for each lifetime. The pages have markings showing a category of experience and its significance (if any). The records can also look like fabric.

However, rather than being made of paper fabric, the pages are made of fine threads you can run your finger through to find the right “line” or experience.

When you “read” the line, it activates, vibrates, and behaves like a memory, replaying the experience. Many things are in there, most long forgotten.

There’s no specific reason one can’t become a reader, although even the idea of it can stir up our unfinished business. (Is everything I’ve ever done recorded??) It may take some preparation to clear our resistance. And our dominant sense will change how we “read.” For example, I’m visual, so see them.

Many people read the records through an intermediary, like using a pendulum or muscle testing and yes/no questions.

Because the threads are frequencies, we also need the capacity to process its frequency or the experience will be foggy or unclear, like a radio station a little off-frequency. Experiences of the future can be like that as our overall frequency tends to rise. (Rise in the sense of getting finer and more detailed, not more agitated.)

Similarly, the energy levels we embody translate into the intensity of the experience/ recording. Our ability to process higher energy threads will again depend on our capacity. Future normal can be pretty intense now.

Readings you may have seen online that contain judgment, negativity, or mandatory directives have been corrupted. As I’ve noted, the records contain no judgment and higher beings value free will for humans. Similarly, it’s not about fate, but we can read where current trends are going. Free will allows us to alter some details of what happens.

As may be obvious, there’s a close relationship between karma and the records. Karma means action and the threads are the record of those actions. (We could also call the threads the actions themselves due to the nature of time. They’ll express in their time.)

The unfinished business is the key detail, where aspects of the action have not been fully experienced. These leave “seeds” of future action, seeking completion.

These are unclosed threads, with a hanging end. As a result, they arise in experience for completion and closure. Yet many of us have developed the habit of resisting what’s arising to heal. The ego tries to protect us from our unresolved past and suppresses automatically.

I’ve talked before about the three states of karma.

When our true nature wakes up through this body-mind, the dormant seeds, those mountains of backlog, are roasted and disappear. The loops close and the threads go dormant. As we purify, we stop being driven by old impressions and thus stop creating new unfinished business.

So we’re left with the active hanging threads, waiting for their time to surface and be experienced in our life. Then they, too, can complete and close the loop.

Our own process of completing our experiences, new and old, is our part of evolving the whole.

This is all very new here, so we’ll see what evolves from this.

Last Updated on January 30, 2025 by Davidya

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  1. Eva

    Hello David!

    Really great blog post! Thank you so much for describing the records and their functions in such detail – so interesting! I had a reading recently and found it very interesting and helpful.


      1. Lynette

        Thank you D. It’s a good post. Now I don’t understand the concept of free will. If it is in your reading how can there be free will? Does free will available if you are in cosmic consciousness? I don’t understand, example, if in your reading says you’ll have a form of illness developing, how is it possible to avoid it, when it is recorded. Sometimes I wonder if there is free will.

        1. Hi Lynette
          There is what happens, and then there is how we choose to respond.
          Many people simply react from habit mind, so there’s not a lot of free will in play. But if we do the work and become more conscious, there will be moments of choice in how we respond. And that can make a difference in outcomes, or in how we experience what happened.

          The role of free will doesn’t change, but our relationship with it does. For example, in CC, we experience being a detached observer. Things just happen. (a perspective of the above). But as we deepen, we begin to see the deeper flows of life and the choices of the higher Self. I explored it in more detail here:

          In the end, free will and determinism are 2 sides of the same coin, 2 perspectives. For example, the choices of yesterday are the fate of today. And today’s choices are tomorrows fate.

          In the example given, the illness would be an expression of karma. Past choices creating current fate. We then choose how we respond to it. Fighting and denying, or doing what we can to mitigate it and move through it more quickly.

          There can even be the potential to resolve the karma energetically rather than live it out. But sometimes, life wants us to have the experience, so thats not an option.

          Don’t confuse consequences with choice. We still have responsibility. Not wanting it isn’t fate, it’s our resistance to what is. 🙂

            1. Right – if we have choice, we can exercise free will.

              But it’s important to recognize where we have choices. For example, I had no choice in experiencing a health issue. However, I could choose how I responded to it. Yet, if I was more caught in my identity, there may have been trauma that caused automatic rejection, reducing the range of choice. The mind may make a story of choosing, but we were actually driven by old trauma.

              Sometimes, we think we’re choosing, but we’re just going with the popular sentiment. That feels easy. You see that a lot in politics.

              Real choice is conscious and we recognize the options. This is not always the easy choice. 🙂

              And free will comes with responsibility.

  2. Utterly fascinating. I had a reading once where the woman wasn’t entirely able to ‘stay out of it’ as you mentioned above (confirmed by Malika), and though it caused some confusion, ultimately it served it’s purpose. Really looking forward to hearing more on this topic! Thank you, David 🙂

  3. Neville

    Goodness indeed, wow so many questions. You mention that you’ve ‘been shown’ how to access the akashic records, by whom David, why now, and for what purpose. Thanks so much for your work and time.

    1. Hi Neville
      As I mention at the start, one of the classes I’m taking has a section to learn to access the records. After some background, she walks us through a process and voila! As usual, once the door is opened, it’s there any time.

      Most people don’t have as big a knowledge dump. I’m very structurally oriented (it’s in my chart), so that was called forward during the process. It’s arising spontaneously now, but I still have to learn to read properly, like any other student.

    1. Hi George!

      Had a consult last week and was told that we’re done unless something comes up later. So yeah, the main issue is fully addressed. A couple of side effects are being persistent, but I assume will resolve when those threads resolve.

      Perhaps I should try reading that topic. 🙂

  4. Lee

    Great way of explaining it. So much of how you said it line up to how I’ve experienced it and been “led”. Having had a few readings before I was fully aware of what it was, what to ask and the likes, is likely a different approach than many. On my journey to “awaken” or to find my truth I was introduced to a practitioner. So much of what I ask and found out to this day keeps ringing true as I become more and more clear. I so much support the way you put it about the seeds…. I feel that my time here and now is just letting the last seeds do their thing. No more adding traumas or planting more seeds. Just witnessing how perfect everything is(even when to the human self its not perfect at all). lol

    With 4 to 5 years since those readings and 5 to 6 years since I started this journey, I would approach a reading much different now, especially having a better understanding of everything. Not just of the akasha but time its self…The ego certainly tries to have answers to everything and often “invents questions” that do not even need be…Pretty wild to try and put any of this to words when its all “known” but you sir do a fantastic job at it. I appreciate seeing your blog pop up in my inbox!

    1. Hi Lee
      I’ve been surprised how it’s become a reference so quickly. And it’s added a new way to resolve karma – if it’s ripe, I can close the loop (assuming it doesn’t need to be experienced further).

      I get what you mean about perfection. And thanks. It’s been an adventure. 🙂

  5. Katherine

    Thank you, David! Great topic. You touch on a question I have. With awakening, the dormant seeds are roasted and disappear. The active hanging threads are still to be experienced. What are these active threads and in what way are they different from the dormant seeds? For example, Ramana Maharishi woke up at the age of 17, and the dormant seeds were roasted. But later in life, he got cancer of the shoulder. Would we say that was from an active hanging thread? Ditto many great Masters. Thank you!

    1. Hi Katherine
      There’s a few ways we can look at it, but it’s like the dormant ones are asleep and the active ones are enlivened and vibrating. From the perspective of linear time, they unfold as experiences and events in life in an apparent schedule. That schedule is artfully intertwined with the schedules of all the other beings it affects and is constantly being tweaked to account for choices made.

      And yes, that would be an example of a sprouted or awake seed showing up. I’ve had a similar experience myself. Just because someone is awake doesn’t mean they escape their history. But they now have the capacity to process it without suffering. It may be difficult and annoying, but it’s simply a passing experience to be processed, then it will be done.

  6. Peter Goodman

    Another WOW. So much to “unpack” and process.
    Thank you David

    The biggest question is to what purpose in our awakening? To discover blocks to Awakening? To address them individually. A task the small mind is not up to confront, in my opinion. For me, I need a “Guide” to find and address what is most important of the past that needs to be addressed; a process I use with Malika in her Healing sessions although she does not address it as accessing the Akashic Record. As you develop along this inquiry do you foresee offering a service such as a “reading” as part of your counseling and coaching?

    1. Hi Peter
      (laughs) No, awakening is so we can get out of suffering and enjoy life. So we can be who we are more fully.

      You want to avoid thinking you’re broken and need fixing. That’s endless. Instead, you deal with whats arising in your experience. That’s what’s ripe to be healed. Simple.

      What better understanding and techniques do is help us process that. For example, we can have a childhood habit to automatically suppress things that come up. Learning to see the signals lets us get at it, so the ripe stuff is processed and not suppressed again. It shifts the trend.

      A big part of healing trauma is having the body feel safe so it’s willing to go there. Awakening can bring us a near infinite resource of safety.

      I have no plan to offer “readings’ per se and will have to develop the skill anyway. However, it’s clear this is now a resource that will pop in when needed (it has). We’ll see what form it takes. I’m still mainly in the theory part of the training.

  7. Gina

    Your statement, “. . . akasha is Sanskrit for the space element. It’s the first to manifest and becomes the container for form and experiences to express in.” reminded me of the word ‘bereshite’ which is Hebrew for “cave or container” it’s the first word of Genesis. The explanation from the Kabala being that before creation could arise a ‘space’ needed to be created for it in the totality that is Consciousness, and then Creation could manifest in that ‘space.’ It just brought home to me the fact that all scripture from every tradition speaks to the same thing.
    Also, One of my favourite things about following your blog is having what I call an “Oh! So THAT’S what that was!” experience. During meditation I once saw all these “threads” like the warp and weft of fabric; it was three dimensional. It’s one of those things I always wondered about although never spent much time on because there’s always something one experiences during meditation that a bit beyond explanation, that I just chalked it up to ‘someday I’ll understand’ kind of situation. So now I do. Thank you so much!

    1. Right, Gina, it’s fundamental.
      To be clear, an unmanifest space first arises in the self-interacting dynamics of consciousness, when it curves back on itself and sees itself. The subject-object dynamic creates a subtle “space” between them. But this is not yet manifest. It exists only in consciousness. However, qualities in consciousess do create subtle dynamics. These set the stage for the first nested space, the space within the space of consciousness. Our universe arises in that space. And that’s the one described in the article.

      OK – there’s a few places you might run into threads. This is one. Another is the souls connecting back to source. But the one people would more commonly run into first is the threads of karma, also called Indra’s net. I wrote about this in the early days of blogging here:

  8. John R

    David, this post is so timely. (“Timely?” What’s that?! 🙂 )

    It is quite something to experience how the perception of time changes with the shifts, from sequential, to in-the-moment, to being both now and eternal, to nothing. Here, as the nothingness of Brahman began flowering into Divinity, time started changing again, in some beautiful way that seemed vaguely familiar.

    Then it crystalized. A few weeks ago, I was in the backyard, gazing at the trees and listening to the birds. As attention moved from one point to the next, it dawned on me that time – and existence – were pure memory. Hence the familiarity. And a voice (mine, I suppose) said, “Smriti. It’s all Divine Smriti. Cognition.”

    Funny thing, that same day I came across your 2016 article, “What is Veda?” And that’s the first article linked above. A perfect tie-in. A confirmation of sorts. I’m not in your league when it comes to academic understanding of Veda, but “blueprint of creation” is perfect.

    As to Records, what I’m getting currently might be described as spontaneous visual previews. Brief movie-like scenes that – so far – are too fleeting to recognize or identify. Some seem a bit familiar, others not. Borrowing from your description, it’s as if I’m bypassing the card catalogue (remember those?) and thumbing quickly through a number of books to get an idea of what’s there for when I have more time (?) to browse. The download capacity is astounding, and ever-growing.

    Yep, very new, every split second.

    1. Beautiful, John. And well described.
      I know what you mean about Previews. There can be much fuller future experiences, but they tend to be a bit “loose” as there is still room for choice to change the details (as described by the crow in the Yoga Vasishtha). One of the exercises in a class I’m taking was to visit our future self and that did exactly this. I found the energy intensity challenging, hence my comments in the article.

      And yes, it all comes back to memory. Everything is being remembered in the details so that we can “complete” that initial Divine thought that created all this and return it.

      Yes, it’s astonishing what can be added when we’re no longer limited by a me., even a cosmic me.

    1. Thanks, Sarah. Glad you find value. 💖
      Yes, it’s nice when it’s unconditioned.
      At a certain point, I had found previous learning had to be put aside for an unfolding, then reexamined in light of the new perspective. It became much less binding, so even if there was some understanding, it was put aside while things unfolded. Then notes could be compared after.

      I didn’t have much expectation here so was surprised where it went and the insights that followed.

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