Levels of Identity

Levels of Identity

Parts by David Goehring
Parts by David Goehring

I’ve spoken of the motivation to explore somatic healing so I can better embody the unfolding. I’ll be writing about what I mean by embody.

I’ve also written about head, heart, & gut, the 3 levels of identity and how they relate to the stages of enlightenment. These are the mahamarmas.

These also relate to the triune brain, the three layers of the brain – the forebrain (higher thinking), the limbic or mammalian brain (emotions), and the reptilian brain (instinct, survival).

Back to head, heart, gut. Head is our conceptual sense of self. Where we make meaning and give names. Our culture favours “being in the head.” This means ruminating on the past or dreaming of the future. The mind is never in the present.

The conceptual head-view of the world develops mainly through the school years.

That identification falls away with Self Realization. Many of the mind’s stories wind down once seen through. However, many habits of mind can continue. Mind can also be driven by unresolved emotions and trauma, even if the mental identity has resolved.

When we are not grounded in being, the heart chakra often develops a protective crust over it. Clearing this allows it to open up and for the higher octave heart chakra (hridaya) to come online. This is generally associated with the God Consciousness stage. And that space allows pure love, and a washing of the unresolved denser emotions.

The vasanas or charges are those unresolved emotions we could not process in prior experiences. Most of these are more about the lower three chakras. They come up repeatedly to be resolved, but if we don’t understand what’s happening or don’t have the resources to process them, we develop the habit of repressing how we feel.

This process developed when we were kids. Many households shame or punish kids for expressing some emotions like anger, rather than teaching healthy expression. If we don’t have those skills, how can we teach them? Emotional expression may even be frowned up, especially for boys.

This repression not only creates those repressed charges (vasana) but also grooves or ruts (samskara) in our subtle physiology. This takes us down to the root chakra.

(Like samskaras, soma the nectar is also pre-physical, but much more refined.)

This is where we get into somatic processing. The body is pre-cognitive, so it doesn’t use words or concepts. It has a felt sense. Its memories are sensations and more generalized senses. The mind can’t access those memories. We have to be in the body.

The body is also completely in the present.

Prior to its release, the gut is the home of our core or existential identity.

This is where the somatic identity ties in. The repressions of our childhood get identified with and become associated with the core identity, our sense of self.

Put another way, much of our identity is from survival adaptions we adopted as children. Our emotional dynamics and stories, as described above, are built on top of this. We may clear the core with Unity or later. But samskaras may remain, waiting to be triggered. Similar to the ego “shrapnel” I described as clearing post-awakening, the samskaras await our recognition so that they can be dissolved.

Everything can be healed but, as a species, we’re rising out of a darker age. Most of us have lots of baggage to work on. Some of that’s been handed down through our family line. That’s OK. Once it’s conscious, we can deal with it.

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  1. Michael

    Hi David!

    Very to the point!
    We are ending a very dark age just shifting is not enough to clear at all and one who is open will be suprised how much is “in there” Lol

    One thing where mind and unconscious/body intersect is symbolism. Just letting a picture of a door come up from a contractition (or body area that is in pain, disease etc) can work as a powerful doorway into the supressed charge and programming hidden in the area.
    That is why our dreams are symbolic and symbols are used powerfully in hypnosis.

    Much love

        1. Hi Bojan
          They’re what might be called ideas in the cosmic mind or cosmic memory or core blueprints. I’ve called them templates on the blog.

          Sometimes, when the body is injured or sick, it forgets its original state and has trouble healing. I can use the template to remind it, helping with healing.

  2. Is it just me or do things feel like they’re being processed at lightning speed? When I reach the end of the day and reflect on everything I’ve experienced I feel completely transformed from the person that began it — totally different, yet completely the same, if that makes sense

    1. It’s collective, Jenifer.
      As collective consciousness is rising, it’s pushing more stuff to the surface. And the process is gradually accelerating. If we’re open to it, we can make a lot of progress and life gets better and better.

      And yes, it makes perfect sense. I experience that a lot.

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