Eva’s Healing

Eva’s Healing

Eva Muller had a cancellation and gifted me a sample healing after the first interview.

She opens things up and does a general cleanup first. She cleared some regret and anger related to things happening that I didn’t want. The medical journey, for example. While I came to terms with it quickly, there was still some residual left from before that. She also worked on one of the remaining side effects of treatment. She said it would take a month or so to clear up but I’m noticing it getting better already. Whew!

I added her to my Recommended list as a result.

In their latest podcast, Eva does a healing on Gareth. It’s a good example of her style during a healing. She talks about what she’s doing and what comes up during. The sessions are recorded for later review and further healing, too.

On YouTube
On Spotify
On Apple

Eva offers free weekly group sessions via Zoom, and 2 other group sessions weekly. These include group “Channeled*” healing and group Activation of the Spiritual Being. Private sessions are currently not offered as she’s already booked for a long time.

Later, she uploads the above sessions on YouTube, so you can explore samples.

“For normal spiritual seekers, the group sessions are perfect for healing and clearing the system. From all the sessions I have done in the past, I learned that on the core level, where I work, every system is the same, so it is very easy to work with groups.” “For people who are in stages before refined Unity, the group sessions are perfect!” -Eva


*Channeled in the sense of the energies coming through her, not in the sense of being taken over by an entity.

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    1. Hi George
      Glad you’ve found someone with resonance. And sure, I share who & what I’ve found valuable for you. If you find something that works for you, great.

      Of course, it’s up to each persons discrimination. And I’ve had a few recommendations that changed directions and ceased being. Life is an adventure!

  1. Olli

    Eva’s channelled healing group sessions have been very helpful for me. A big blockage about self-sabotaging that’s been there for years but wouldn’t ever budge was spontaneously dropped after a recent session.
    She’s very efficient when dealing with emotional baggage and negative thought patterns. Definitely helpful at this point of my journey.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Olli. I’ve found the same. She has a really clear intuitive connection too. Love how she describes what she’s working on and what comes up in the process. That offers understanding and verification of whats coming up within.

  2. Giovanni Ghirardi

    Oh great! After your interview with them I tried their video transmissions, they instantly put me in an effortless meditation without the need for a particular technique or a body posture.

  3. Jeanne

    I’ve been listening to BATGAP for over a year now and came to your webpage after listening to one of your interviews. I loved them… but this blog had me very interested in Eva. I checked her out and then learned about the Endless Possibilities podcast. This has also seemed to penetrate my thick veils… I’m still in the head, intellectual, but had one glimpse of stillness around 15 yrs ago. Since then it’s been teeny tiny incremental progress. I am grateful for everything along the way. Thank you sharing yourSelf.

    1. Hi Jeanne
      Great, and you’re welcome. Coming out of my shell has taken time. Took me 6 years before I did the first BAT interview. It’s surprising how many (not very effective) layers of defense we build.

      In case you haven’t noticed, I recommend an effortless mantra meditation. That really helps culture the stillness, and to penetrate those thick veils. 🙂

      Then energy healing can help clean up the more entangled things.

      1. Jeanne

        Do you refer to TM meditation as a mindless meditation? Better question: are there multiple sources of mindless meditation? The meditation I have done is sitting upright and observing the mind. Not much progress but not much time invested. Lately I have been trying to look through my third eye while lying down for sleep. I fall asleep within a couple of minutes but I don’t think I’m accomplishing anything, such as it were. 😉 I think I need to read a lot more of your blog entries.

        1. Hi Jeanne
          TM is a form of effortless meditation., yes. And yes, there are others but it varies what’s available in an area. Malika teaches it online with a more personalized mantra..

          As the Yoga Sutra tells us, the key to enlightenment is samadhi, going beyond the mind into our true nature. Other kinds of practice have their own value but if your goal is enlightenment, I recommend effortless.

          Many practices use some form of control or concentration. However, this is the mind & ego trying to manage the process, making samadhi difficult.
          Others use some value of contemplation. Again, this rarely leads to samadhi.
          Mindfulness depends on the degree of presence already established. For some, it’s just mind reflecting on itself. Later, it can be valuable in favouring whats unfolding. But an effortless practice is what leads to regular samadhi and thus establishing presence and building the ground for awakening.

          The third eye will open naturally when you prepare the ground. Same with the heart, kundalini, etc. If you try to push them open, you’re more likely to have a rough process.

          I discuss the practice in more detail here:
          and links to practices:

  4. Gareth and Eva, I just wanted to thank you for sharing your video with all of us. I am very impressed with what you have done. I also want to thank Dorothy Rowe for introducing you on her interview With You. I would not have known about you, so. I Am Grateful to all of you.

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