A New Earth

A New Earth

“Eckhart being a “local” author- a big article appeared today in the Van Sun, Sat Pg 4 on Eckhart and Oprah’s new class and her support of his book.

Oprah recommended Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth” as her book of the month and also is offering an on line class- 10 sessions with Eckhart. Millions of women and men will read his book and maybe start meditation or at least wake up to some spiritual
awareness because of this.”


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Last Updated on December 11, 2013 by Davidya

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One comment

  1. Davidya

    “Monday night’s webcast was one of the largest single online events in the history of the Internet. More than 500,000 people simultaneously logged on to watch Oprah Winfrey and Eckhart Tolle live, resulting in 242 Gbps of information moving through the Internet.” Over 700,000 were registered, so obviously some had problems. Oprah’s site has made them available for download.

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