Malika posted our conversation early, as a “favourite.”
To start, she asks me how I experience source. To explain, I talk about the unfolding here and how the relationship with source has evolved. She then asks me to explain the stages and I review them briefly.
Then we did a transmission, what I’d call amplifying presence. Her dog Angel chimed in there. And then we chatted a bit more.
Apologies, I didn’t place the video properly so I’m not looking in the right direction. I’m also not optimum yet, but it’s been interesting to watch how things have changed as I rise out of the fog.
Last Updated on October 12, 2023 by Davidya
Hi David,
Thank you for sharing your mantra experience and healing journey with Malika. In spite of how far ahead you are in the journey, you are still humble enough to seek healing to take care of the localized human aspect.
The transmission was quite powerful @ minute 38.
Malika is a true gem!
Hi Stephen
You’re welcome. She is a gem. I’m not really “far ahead” as it’s not me this unfolded to. It’s us.
And yes, being increasingly conscious also means being increasingly conscious of what’s here/ what remains. 🙂
Didn’t get what she meant the first time and wandered into more description. But then we did it. 🙂
David, congrats on a great conversation. I agree with Stephen that the transmission was – of course – quite powerful. And I loved that Malika’s puppy chimed in. I could see Malika barely containing a smile. A few weeks ago, she e-mailed me at about 3:30 a.m. her time. I said she must be either an early bird or a night owl. No, she said, her puppy had woken her up! 🙂
And it was also really nice to hear your recap of the 7 post-personal stages, especially as you talked about Source/Divinity and embodiment. Brahman and Para Brahman shifts are happening all over the place, and there sure are a lot of happy angels, devata, and other folks sharing in the joy!
Thanks, John. And yes, I agree.
Blissful silence what a charming conversation and auspicious vibration.
Profound gratitude for this video sharing, D. There just aren’t any words except thank you.
You’re welcome, George.
Very powerful transmission and a nice discussion. Like to see you and Malika do more of these. Interesting discussion on mantra as well. I’ve started watching the series and am wondering about your impression of the other speakers and the information that they are putting forth. Gives a glimpse of what the internet has been created for …. Conversations about enlightenment that one can enter wherever they happen to be….
Hi Lew
Yes, we’ve discussed more. Also with Stefan, Malika, and I together. That’s even more powerful.
The other speakers are a diverse group with some conversations having nothing to do with source. Malika’s planning to move away from this format.
Thank you for sharing. I am quite excited to hear that the three of you might share more. There is a tangible connection of what I cannot describe.
Yes, Judy, it goes back many lifetimes.
I did not understand who did the transmission at the end, you? Malika? the source? O_o
Thank you!
Hi Giovanni
It was Source, coming through the synthesis of Malika and I.
Worth noting that some may describe the causal as source as it’s where things first start taking form, rising out of the ocean of being. However, this is an effect of flows in consciousness so is not really “source”.
Hi David,
I forgot to ask if you and Malika share the same definition of Source?
Broadly, Stephen. I’m more analytical so go into more detail. She’s more applied, how to work with That.
What a profound and powerful conversation and transmission, thank you and Malika for sharing. What a gift to the world!
Amazing time to be alive that such communication is available.
Blessings, Eira
I am amazed at the depth of Malika’s work with Source and almost wordless in terms of describing the unfoldment and clearing I feel vibrating at subtle levels. Thanks again Davidya for introducing her on your blog. Much gratitude.
You’re welcome, Harrison. She’s a rare gem.
Apologies – the recording has gone off-line post-Summit. I’ll see if I can get a link to it.
With the Summit over, the video went down. Malika gave me permission to post it on my channel, so its live again.
Hi David, thanks to you and Malika for sharing those precious moments… I have one question about the awakening of the Devas in the physiology: is doing samyama after meditation on the name of Durga for example, will awaken that particular Deva ?
Blessings and lot of joy!
Hi Pierre
Well, the first stage is purification and the opening up of the energy channels. Next would be soma flows to feed and enhance the devas. This will make them more alive and attentive. There is also waking up devas that have been dormant.
Where stress release brings jerky surges, the devas stirring in the physiology show as graceful flows, mudras, arm movements, etc. You see a bit of that in our conversation.
Spiritually awakening devas though comes from immersing them in pure Divinity. So that’s a ParaBrahman effect.
To your question, samyama on devas may stir them in the physiology but mainly will bring them into awareness. It’s like making a phone call. However, you need enough clearing to perceive them. Some will be visual, others more hearing, others feel.
PS – be careful what you call forward. Durga is on the intense side.
Interesting that you say this about hand movements. I’ve recently started having them during meditation and samyama. I was very confused especially by how one specific movement recurs; right arm pushes into itself and there’s almost a T-Rex hand pose, but then it lifts up to the sky and comes down and stays as a forward facing palm, and then comes down with the thumb touching some one or more fingers. Very glad to read your comment that sheds at least some light on this…
Hi Siddha
Right, spontaneous movements can arise from purification, even odd postures, but such things tend to be jerky and feel like a release.
But they can also arise from the devas getting active in the body. These tend to be more graceful and flowing. Spontaneous arm movements, hand mudras and so forth. Just allow and they can settle in. Natures support, embodiment, gifts and more can result. It’s one of many arenas where letting go takes us into new places.
You may get unique ones here and there or a similar one regularly for a bit. But they’ll come and go.
Here’s a couple of articles that discuss this more.
Hi David,
Thank you for your answer and advice, I think the best for me is to keep practicing the Direct Source Connection and come back later to samyama when the time is ripe
Hi Pierre
Samyama is useful in learning how to use your attention. It can also help clear channels. But you want to be careful with what you practice it on. What you put your attention on grows stronger – this is exponentially true of samyama. Part of spiritual practice is restoring balance so you don’t want to be unintentionally adding imbalance.
Good spiritual guides/ teachers are valuable this way. Often, getting the basics right, like a good effortless meditation, is enough.
Sounds good David, Thank you
Hi David,
I really enjoyed the video with you and Malika and I feel inspired to pick up the primordial sound meditation again. I had gotten my sound from Malika several months ago, but then I stopped practicing and was drawn to other things. I think there was quite a bit of resistance to it, due to fear, doubt, and skepticism. There is still some doubt here that this is the right practice for me and worry about wasting time. I’ve mostly followed modern advaita teachers, like adyashanti and Rupert spira, and they teach self inquiry and resting in your being, until your true nature becomes evident and it’s a lived experience. Does the effortless meditation lead to the same place?
Hi Amber
First thing, it’s good to understand about purification. With an effortless meditation, we naturally settle the body which allows it to release contractions, resistance, and so forth. These often show up as emotions. So that resistance and those emotions may actually indicate the practice is working. But if we don’t understand this, we see it as our reaction to the practice and drift away from it.
Malika’s PS meditation is particularly powerful due to the frequencies she adds to it.
If we have strong sensations or emotions come up near the end of our meditation, it’s good to take a bit of time to rest afterward. This will give the release time to complete. If you support this process, your burdens will gradually be reduced, greater clarity will arise, and peace of mind. Believe me, this is not a waste of time. It’s the best thing I ever started and one of the few things still in my life, decades later.
To your question, modern advaita teachings have become very popular. Inquiry and resting in being can be effective. However if we’re not clear, they have much less value. Mindfulness of presence when we have presence is effective. Mindfulness by the mind on concepts of presence is just the mind going in circles.
Tools like an effortless meditation help culture that presence, clear the path, and give you direct experience of your true nature. Then those other practices can be effective.
If you study the Yoga Sutra, you’ll see how it emphasizes samadhi. This is what effortless meditation cultures. I explore this topic here:
This is the foundation of the tradition from which advaita comes. However, the understanding of effortless practice got lost, so many teachings drifted into other techniques that were less effective. Or meditation become an approach to control the mind or to contemplate ideas in the mind. But it’s not the mind that wakes up. We want to go beyond the mind to find our true nature.
Thank you so much for your thorough answer. I didn’t really think about the resistance and the emotions that come up to be a sign that it could be working. And I’ve noticed that I spend more time thinking about nonduality, meditation, etc. than actually meditating. The constant searching for other practices ends up with me not committing to anything, and remaining in the same place, still suffering and longing for the direct experience of my true nature.
I’ll definitely try to make effortless meditation my daily practice again. Otherwise, I’ll probably just keep spinning my wheels.
Thanks again 🙂
Many learn this one, Amber. Mind keeps looking elsewhere for what is right here. 🙂
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