

Awareness becomes self-awareI’ve used the above model many times to illustrate the primary dynamic in consciousness. Awareness becoming aware of itself. That then leads to all expression.

However, this is a considerable simplification of the dynamics in practice. Once that recognition happens globally, it cycles back on itself over and over again, in progressively finer iterations.

“Curving Back on Myself, I Create Again and Again.” – Krishna, in the Bhagavad Gita

Further, both a and b are consciousness. The arrow at c is 2 way. We can recognize being awareness aware of. Or recognize consciousness in the world looking back at us, as in the gaze of someone very awake. And then many directions and further iterations (nested), self-aware points within self-aware points.

Those self-aware points aka devata also interact with each other. What develops is clusters self-organizing into a geometry that structures form and phenomena. Science describes these devata as laws of nature. Laws of nature don’t act alone but in concert. They coordinate.

All of this is also happening instantaneously. The process is only apparent.

It’s much easier to describe the basic relationships than the entire picture. That is unfathomably complex.

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    1. Hi Peter
      I relate to Shiva as the observer aspect of consciousness. The impersonal masculine. To me, the creative process is feminine. However, it requires the observer to draw the creative process out. Or you could say it requires a polarity.

      The linga itself represents a pillar of fire, Agni, the creative power. But again, I relate the creative power as feminine, Shakti. Agni requires Shakti to express. Ditto the light of consciousness is a filtered form of Divine light.

      Some view Shiva as the highest god but as the saying goes, Shiva is dead without Shakti.

      The dynamics of consciousness and creation arise from the apparent polarity creating dynamism, of liveliness stirring alertness, etc. The linga is usually shown resting in a yoni, a spiritual and sexual union.

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