I’ve been keeping a bit of a secret. One of the teachers I’ve been working with had asked for no publicity. Just word of mouth. I’ve made only occasional references to their retreats or to “Lorn” but without links or details.
But gradually, they have been coming forward and have now posted several videos on Youtube and have a web site [see below] in place with some of their teachings.
I cannot begin to describe how important this couple has been on my own journey and that of many close friends. If you have reached a place on your journey where silence calls, where you have had a practice and made progress but struggle to step past the mind or the hearts holding, they have a gift for helping people move through the door. And it certainly helps that there are now so many others awake to enhance the group.
They are of course not the answer to everyone’s journey. But if they speak to you, they speak very deeply. They speak from yourSelf. And you’ll note they do not see awakening as the highest teaching.
They presently teach mainly through 2 modes:
– weekly free conference calls.
– in person retreats on-line
Samples of their talks are available on their web site. The key is to listen from silence or the Self and not be too much in the head. The talks are not intellectual discourses but can deeply satisfy. With correct listening, you will find a conversation of Self with ItSelf. In seeing Itself, that is the way Self opens to Itself.
You can explore the web site for other things they offer.
[Update: new domain: http://www.lucialorn.net/ ]
For your convenience I have posted some of their YouTube offerings:
Self Realization and Divine Surrender
Last Updated on January 6, 2024 by Davidya
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In the last few years, the Callls have been Sunday nights on Livestream. You can see Lorne and more easily listen in a group.