Engagement 1 of 3

Engagement 1 of 3

Felicia dancing, Maracas fishing village, Trinidad
Photo by Athinaf

What you might ask is the secret to the world? Sure, we have talked much here about silence, being, ego and all that inner directed stuff. That is the secret of Being. But what of being in the world? I’ve not touched too much on ideas like the Law of Attraction here – little bits like why Resonance is a better understanding, and Allowing is an even better way to work with intention. But that is not what this post is about.

Recent posts on Shilpan’s Blog and here and discussions with my mate have clarified another aspect of resistance and opened a new door. I don’t “get” this fully yet. But the self is saying – pay attention! This is important! The key word is Engagement.

Fulfilling desires is all from intention so thats part of the picture. And you must allow it, get out of the way. And you must be willing to accept what comes, what is. But for anything to be, you have to be it. You have to step into the dream. It is you who must make it happen.

There are a lot of people walking around in the world on automatic. Neutral gear as it were. The subconscious mind is playing tapes in response to stimulus. Its all taking place inside a box. An illusion unto itself, engaged but only within the local dream of ego. Like the clueless in Shilpan’s experience who wondered why people were responding poorly to them.

Some people talk about the need to give emotional energy to your dreams. To say affirmations with feeing. Without feeling, they have no energy to manifest. Follow your bliss. What this actually is pointing to is the need to engage. As long as you are not present in the world, the gears are not engaged. Your dreams are wishes on the wind. We are afraid that if we engage, we will be hurt or blamed or be unsafe. We do not trust. So we hold back. Disengage from our feelings. And that makes a space between our illusion and the dream of the world. Perhaps you’ve noticed that sense of seperation?

Engaging is the key. The missing piece in understanding. The part where we step in.

It is the art of stepping into the world without being lost to it.


Last Updated on November 8, 2018 by Davidya

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  1. Pingback: Engagement 2 - Deep « In 2 Deep

  2. David –

    So beautifully said about the manifestation process of what we desire. We have to visualize the footprint of our “to-be” reality and step into gear to act on it and miracle happens. My recent experience with that is how I turned my desire to build a hotel into reality recently taking one step at a time with firm belief that new hotel is on its way. I’m both stunned and humbled that when desire turned intense, things started to fall in place. Thanks for the link. As always, you are my most dear friend.


  3. Davidya

    Thanks Shilpan. I can see it clearly in areas of my life where there is success and see it missing in areas where I resist and doubt. There is no engagement in uncertainty.

  4. Pingback: Engagement 3 - Deeper « In 2 Deep

  5. Pingback: Living the Dream « In 2 Deep

  6. Pingback: Secrets of Success, Part 3 « In 2 Deep

  7. Pingback: Surrender and Engage « In 2 Deep

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