A Map of Embodied Awakening

A Map of Embodied Awakening

DHA CCRecently, I was reminded of an article by CC Leigh. I’ve read some of her work over the years and always enjoyed her perspective. She’s a teacher in Trillium Awakening (previously Waking Down). Also a prior BATGAP interviewee.

Trillium has a major emphasis on embodied awakening. Not just transcending into source, but bringing that back into the lived life, down into the body. As I’ve learned recently, I’ve not brought source into the body as much as I’d thought prior.

She has several articles online, including a Map of Embodied Awakening.

There, CC discusses the childhood loss of being, illuminations or glimpses, realization, and integration.

She explores the deconstruction and purification of the old and the “core wound.” Then the realizations that follow.

With Consciousness Awakening, she describes what Adyashanti called “head, heart, gut” as Awareness, Heart, and Being (somatic, bodily). But rather than as stages of embodiment (and release of the corresponding identification) as I’d frame them, they’re framed as 3 styles of the initial awakening. She mentions it’s desirable to have the other styles later.

Next, CC describes Embodied Awakening as having “occurred when the paradoxical experiencing of being both impersonal Consciousness and personal human being fuses into a seamless unity…” While this may sound like Unity stage, whats uniting is the personal and impersonal/universal senses of self. This is a developed form of Self Realization. She recognizes a later Unity stage in other writing.

She then describes 3 possibilities that can follow:
1. Awakened Heart: which I call God Consciousness. Some form of refined perception usually accompanies this. “the full awakening of radiant, compassionate Heart-essence…””Awakening cannot be complete without awakening the Heart, because the Heart is the seat of the Soul and also our connection to the Divine and to unconditional love. Some people awaken to the other aspects of Consciousness without awakening Heart-essence, but there is an aloofness or austerity with regard to the personal dimension of life if the Heart is not also included.” I fully agree.

2. Awakened Mutuality: the awakened heart brought into embodiment in relationship. “it is a vivid encounter between Self and Other in which there is a commitment to expressing one’s own truth as genuinely as one can, while also making room for the other to do the same.” The richness of connection between 2 awake and resonant hearts is quite remarkable.

3. Awakened Purpose: this is an interesting one. We express life rather than our conditioning. But it depends on how in our purpose we already are and if there’s a calling. Not everyone discovers a new calling because of this process. We may simply live the awakening, enriching those around us. But writing showed up for me, shortly before the first shift. Then blogging soon after.

All of CC’s work is based on direct experience rather than traditional sources, like I begin with.

The article doesn’t go into further stages but I’ve begun reading CC’s book Becoming Divinely Human. I look forward to exploring more of her perspective.

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  1. Kjetil Wedervang Mathiesen

    Good to see other perspectives, and that this perspective aligns so much with your perspective. It probably shows that the fundamental realities are the same, and as you say it is only a question of perspective and how deep and refined ones state, perception, experience and understanding is? Wonderful illustration of the “sweeet spot”, the center of the soul. I experience that when the attention is lightly on that “sweet spot” it expands and grows seemingly without end.

    1. Hi Kjetil
      Exactly. One underlying process with personal variations in experience. Those variations lead to different perspectives and contexts. Sometimes, another perspective can open doors within.

      The image is her logo on her website. And yes, exactly. Love it.

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