Xmas 2023

Xmas 2023

Cassie in the snow20 years ago, we had a good snowfall after Christmas and my sons and I went up Mt. Seymour. This is Cassie, a lab cross who loved to chase whatever was thrown. She had discovered recently that her webbed feet made great snowshoes. And swim paddles.

2023 has been a year of gradual recovery and increasing energy.

I added the DavidyaBot to the blog, and I formally started offering spiritual coaching. I also met more of my soul family.

A book on the Yoga Sutra is now with the editor.

I moved up-island to an apartment on the ocean. the deckMy granddaughter and grandniece are both 2!

A very Happy Holidays and a Joyous New Year in 2024!

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  1. greg

    Merry Christmas David!

    One of these days we’re gonna retire… would love to do some road trips back up to Canada and go up island to see the beautiful area you live now and of course get some bear hugs.


  2. Bojan Vranić

    Merry Christmas and a happy New year 2024, David!
    I hope you have some snow there in Canada! We have no snow and it is arround 15°C here. Way to warm for this time of the year..
    Have a wonderful Christmas and New year!

  3. Paul

    A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you David.
    Thank you for all your wonderful posts and for personally taking the time to answer all questions spiritual.
    Haven’t had any for some time, which is probably a good sign.
    Keeping out of the web of mind as much as possible.
    Love and best wishes,
    Paul & Miah,
    in a hot and humid Bali.

    1. All the best to you and yours, Paul.
      And you’re very welcome. And yes, that is a good sign. 🙂

      Cool and wet in these parts. But you’re on the summer side of the world. The Aussies show Santa in shorts at a beach barbie. 🙂

  4. Sharon

    dear D, so many wonderful accomplishments. And recuping from major health
    stuff at the same time! You inspire me. Wishing you fuller and fuller Brahman,
    peace, joy, love, truth, beauty, etc. for 2024.
    with love and gratitude,

    1. The sage Vasishtha described the % of a population meditating to support the whole and the group practice of yogic flying and the numbers needed there.

      I attended the Taste of Utopia course 40 years ago when they targeted 7,000 in Iowa. It was quite the experience. Great idea they’re doing it again, but it’s still for only a couple of weeks. Nice course but it’s like meditating for the world twice in a lifetime. It’s proved to be very difficult to sustain a large enough group. Many of those on the India course are in school or programs where the practice is part of their normal routine.

      They’re also doing 2,000 in Iowa.

        1. Hi Lewis
          It’s a curious dynamic. A sustained group requires a level of support of nature that’s difficult to achieve without a sustained group. Even assembling people for a short time is a large logistical challenge. Some of the accommodations aren’t ready, some of the facilities are not working properly, and so forth, as can be expected. Not to mention jet lag for many participants. But I’m certainly feeling it, similar to being on a retreat, even though I’m on the opposite side of the world.

          What can shift the tide is the number of people awakening and shifting into high stages. Even more so as they mature into embodying them more fully. ie: not just shifts in consciousness but the awakening moving forward through the layers of the physiology, just as the Divine is descending to earth.

  5. Tyler

    Happy New Year David. Wishing you all the best in 2024. Got to spend the holidays re-reading your wonderful book, a nice little x-mas present to myself and am eagerly looking forward to the next one, though all in good time. Looks like a great view from the apartment. Cheers!

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