Soul Groups

Soul Groups

With peace in my mind by Seetra
With peace in my mind by Seetra

After a session with Malika, I had a deep insight into soul groups. There’s more to this yet, but it feels worth sharing what’s unfolded.

I’ve talked before about how consciousness is aware of itself globally, and at every point. Those points have the potential to express as souls, take a body, and so forth.

The question is – what causes them to express? I’ve mentioned Divine shakti’s (powers) in the past. More specifically, it’s a Divine being. Avatars of Vishnu like Krishna, for example.

This being is your progenitor, the parent of your soul and others in your soul group.

By soul group, I mean the group of souls with the same progenitor, the same soul parent. As the source of my soul, he lives in the heart now. It’s as if he is my soul.

As you might ask, this is not the same (usually) as your ishta devata or chosen form of God.  

In my case, I experience these two as like father and mother. I’m sure there’s a lot of variation in how we relate to them, though.

We often establish a closer connection with people of the same or a similar soul group, particularly when it comes to spiritual connections.

As you might imagine, such a recognition can trigger a heart opening and a rejigging of self-sense.

It also made sense of the curious distinctions and greater detail I’d experienced with my progenitor prior. I’ve known him for a while. He brought different things to the table than other such beings.

Some may experience their progenitor much sooner than I did, and some may never. It’s not essential to know. But it’s lovely to get to know your great great great great… grandfather.  🙂


Last Updated on September 20, 2023 by Davidya

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  1. Elisabeth Wang

    Hi David
    I had an insight not long ago related to soul families/groups recently too. It’s actually very much related to the concept of twin flames as well. I was a twin flame myself.

    1. Yes, this made me think of twin flames too. Although I believe the purpose of a twin flames relationship is to spark awakening and move us individually to self-realization and self-love.
      It is a wonderful experience to see your soul reflected back to you in another.

  2. Lew

    OK…. Not sure how this works…. There’s a soul that wants to express…. Who is the progenitor? Is it a God head like Shiva, Ganesha, Vishnu , Lakshmi, Durga etc.? …..Sort of like a sponsor? ….. A description of how the souls and groups are formed would be helpful. Do you continue to be with them trough all lifetimes. Historically in many societies there is an “age set group”….. Each generation is affiliated with those who were born at the same time i.e. Like the ” Greatest Generation” etc. Is it similar with souls and soul groups? Does each person also have individual divinity? Are many who are strong believers in a particular religion believers because of a soul group affinity?

    1. Hi Lew
      The article is talking about when souls are first formed. This is prior to time in our usual sense of it. When a created soul wants to express into a new life, that’s a later process that involves karma, the need of the time, and so forth.

      I should also clarify, this isn’t about just Vedic gods. It’s any Divine being. However, it seems avatars of creation and maintenance are more likely involved than those of destruction.

      As the article describes, the progenitor drives a point value in consciousness forward to express as a soul. Then the mechanics of soul evolution kick in. As mentioned, a soul group is those souls who share the same deva.

      And yes, they’re the same thereafter.

      No – soul groups are not aligned by generation or age group. Some will take birth at similar times but others will not. I’ve met people in this life that I’ve not spent time with in thousands of years.

      Divinity is undivided, so there is no “individual” Divinity. It is ever-present. We could say a deva is like a wave on the ocean. One wholeness.

      There can be some tendency for people of the same soul group to come together but lives are driven mainly by more mundane things. We’re more likely to be interested in a specific belief due to past life and ancestral influences. What soul groups would mainly share is a common outlook and inclination to certain paths. Put another way, a common law of nature.

    1. Hi Lew
      What the chart shows is the ishta devata, the devata we’re attuned to for devotion. This is usually different from the progenitor. That said, my ishta was not what the chart indicated.

      This comes back to a focus on form and performance, resulting from the loss of transcending and connection to source. This leads to getting lost in the weeds/ the details/ without the big picture.

      Buddha’s approach was to toss all that out and come back to source. However, as usual, people had the experiences and they got added back in. Meanwhile, the means was lost and it became performance again. Without transcending, it’s much less effective.

      Also, there isn’t really “individual” deities, just flavours of Divinity. Different waves in the ocean. Different appearances of the one wholeness. What flavours does our heart open to?

  3. harrison

    “It also made sense of the curious distinctions and greater detail I’d experienced with my progenitor prior. I’ve known him for a while. He brought different things to the table than other such beings.”

    the above line is profound and reminds me of the Lord’s Prayer, “Our Father who art in heaven hollowed by thy name” The question it raises is if there is more than one “Father or Grandfather” what is the DNA test to establish the lineage? The paradigm I’ve been working with is absolute Divinity is beyond gender and yet there is a Divine Mother and/or Father that we connect to based on our own needs and inclinations. If I feel drawn to a particular Avatar or part of the Godhead is that my progenitor who moved this point of consciousness into an incarnated soul? Sometimes I feel the Divine Mother presence and other times it’s more about Shiva or Christ or Ganesh energies or others. The part about the Astras is also compelling since that information when I connected to it activates a source of power with in me as well. Any suggestions? Thanks!

  4. Hi Harrison
    DNA-wise, we have 2 sets of grandparents, more if there are blended families.

    To me, there is one father and one mother aspects of source. However, most of us relate best with some aspect of that, some form of them. Like we hang out with sports Dad or movie Dad but don’t see him in his work roles.

    I’m not sure if this is typical, but for me my ishta devata or chosen form of God was not the same as my progenitor. They have different roles.

    There is a model in Vedic thought about the “panchadevata” or 5 forms of God (plus formless). Reflecting on it, in my journey deeper into creation, 5 forms progressively showed up. While there are a classic 5, for me they were a mixture of Indian, Persian, and Western forms. There is also some variation in how I experience the forms vs how they’re commonly portrayed. (all of this relates to personalization)

    But again, this was distinct from the ishta. One of them did turn out to be my progenitor.

    I suspect there’s a great deal of variation in all of this.

    Astras are given as gifts, apparently when first required. They also effectively invite you into a light army to help in removing darkness.

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