Suma runs a regular interview show. After exploring various new age topics, she’s shifted to spirituality. She’s interviewed some well-known teachers like Adyashanti and Tony Parsons, and many lesser-knowns too. We sat down on February 7th to chat.
After a brief review of my journey, we talked about styles of awakening, the masculine and feminine, the value of gratitude, and various details of the process.
We then talked about free will and determinism. We explored emptiness, fullness, and nothingness, then chhandas, the quality of covering in consciousness.
Suma then asked me to do a brief run-through of the stages of enlightenment. Then we explored refinement and soma. We closed by reviewing the current time. She’ll be interviewing Andrew this weekend.
Thank you for this opportunity David! I appreciate the open space you offered me to be able to ask some difficult questions. So fun and informative.
Thanks for the invite, Suma. A bit of a knowledge dump but we brought out some important points for your audience.
Thank you David and Suma for the beautiful interview.
You mentioned the Rainbow Body in the Tibetan Buddhism tradition, there is a fascinating book from Francis V. Tiso called “Rainbow Body and Resurrection”. In this book he looks at one of the latest known cases(1998) of a monk attaining the Rainbow Body, his name is “Khenpo Achö”. He traveled to Tibet and interviewed some of the first hand witnesses. I think it is important to not let this knowledge wither away in some remote villages of Tibet and instead recognizing it as a real possibility of divine alchemical transmutation.
Hi Jean
You’re welcome. I don’t think such things are well understood. They’re well outside the materialist paradigm and have been rare due to the current yugas. But as higher stages are being embodied sooner, the opportunity arises for profound degrees of refinement to unfold.
Mmmhhh….to me that was your best YouTube Talk….somehow you articulated your wisdom better than ever!
Maybe the beautiful host 😀 …
It was a real gem!!!
With love
Thanks, Michael. Always interesting what flows out. A bit of a knowledge dump but we covered some good ground for her audience.
Thank you for continuously humbling me and so generously sharing your clarity!
Andrew Hewson also had an interview with Suma: