The Relief

The Relief

There is a profound value in connecting with others on the spiritual journey. They offer us perspectives we may have missed and nudges along the way. Most of my attention goes to people here. I try to keep up with a small number of similar blogs (see Blogroll) but do a pretty poor job of it.

One I’d fallen behind with was Kaushik’s Beyond Karma. Today I checked RSS feeds and discovered he’d written an article on losing weight, something I’ve been exploring of late.

I discovered he’d had a great Relief last spring and had written a few articles about it, as it became clearer.  The Relief    Happily at Square One

In The Relief, it sounds like a pretty classic example of a major letting go. He is experiencing a great relief after a challenging period. What was true for him before now seems false and a waste of time. And the sense of seeking has now ended. He’s relaxing and enjoying his life. Yeah!

As an added benefit of this relief, he’s discovered a great way to lose weight without a diet, restrictions or anything. Love it. Simple can be so good, if you get it right. I’ve noted that the body has a great deal of intelligence if you just listen and don’t overload it. Then you can have fun and not feel you have to hold back from pleasure. Life is meant to be enjoyed!

Now, he may disagree with me on this. Or be unhappy that I raised the point. Or that I’m using him as an example  😉 But this is a key place where it’s important to understand the larger context of the evolution of enlightenment. It’s very common to get a sense that the journey is over and we’re done with all this spiritual nonsense when the seeker ends. There is also a good number of people who teach that this is it. But it’s not. In fact, we could say it’s the kindergarten of enlightenment.

In the Rk Veda, 7th Mandala, Vasistha emphasized that we need to desire unity. Thus, we need to know it’s there. When the seeker ends, we can feel this is it. And many teach this. But we should continue to look. Continue to see what is there. It’s like we’ve landed on the ocean of truth. We feel we’re home and life is good. Celebrate! But the depths of the ocean are where all the profound understanding, rich fullness, and great benefits are found. Time for a swim.  😉

If you’re not familiar, I’ve talked many times about the stages of enlightenment, such as in states of consciousness and in models of awakening. And when we reach unity, we may again feel like we’re in kindergarten as a whole new potential opens to us. Our potential as humans is a remarkable thing.

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