Quite a few groups talk about “Universal laws” that rule all of creation and some such. But often, what they are actually describing is the mechanics of the dream. The paths the illusion follows. The false causality.
No, I’m not talking about things like Murphy’s Law or Berra’s Law: “You can observe a lot just by watching.” I mean basic laws like action.
You are unlikely to find a lot of consistency across various lists of laws as they vary by perspective. A little like why the laws are different in Cleveland than in Dublin.
Certainly there is great value in understanding the process of the world in which we experience life. But the foundations of the world come with far more powerful principles on which those “laws” are based. Principles that create a number of different sets of laws, sets we experience from different perspectives or states of consciousness (or levels of physics) or in other dreams.
Now, you don’t really think God only had one dream did you? 😉
Recently, my mate bought James Ray‘s new book, Harmonic Wealth. It came with a free web video of a seminar he had given on the subject. During the video, he mentioned the “Law of Rhythm”, one I had not heard before but is an obvious fundamental. A little digging lead to an unexpected esoteric source of 7 laws.
Now, 7 is a better number as it corresponds to the 7 stages that expression follows as it manifests. (and no, I’m not into the 7 rays stuff) And I liked the basic ideas. The list is:
1. Mind: the Universe is all mind. Its a Dream.
2. Correspondence: as above, so below. This doesn’t mean God looks like a human, it means the principles are expressed throughout creation.
3. Vibration: Everything is in motion. Nothing is still. I refer to this as the flow.
4. Polarity: Every-thing has its opposite. Duality, yin and yang.
5. Rhythm: The cycles and rhythm of the world. The flow moves in Rhythm. The ebb and flow.
6. Cause and Effect: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Note how this ties in with #4 and #5 – Polarity and Rhythm lead to the flow of action, karma. Vibration leads to rhythm and so forth.
7. Gender: this one is subtle. Its like Polarity but is ‘vertically’ oriented. It originates the same way as duality in the seer and the seen but is more subtle. Interesting to consider gender fundamental.
The laws come with an interesting perspective – the flow of the unexpressed into individuation and matter, then from that more developed and experienced state, draws individual back into the unexpressed. The outward and inward strokes. There is a sync to the energy of the chakras but are out of sequence a bit.
The key in using these laws would be to create a desired set point in the rhythm cycles with intention, polarize events to bring them to the set point, then diffuse or neutralize the energies that would draw it off again. Evidently, this was part of the nature of Alchemy. The science of, in effect, changing the mind.
The trick in reviewing any set of basic laws is do they arise naturally and directly from the fundamental principles? Are they really laws or are they general points recommended for life? Napoleon Hill developed 17 principles, but these refer to doing, to action.
I spoke of these principles briefly in Deepest Being. You have silence. You have a principle of alertness. And you have a principle of liveliness. That is the fundamental nature of the works. The liveliness stirs awareness, awareness becomes aware of itself and responds. Mind arises, and thus you step down through the laws above. Liveliness becomes the flow, vibration and rhythm. Observation creates polarity, effect and gender.
I would not describe the list as complete or comprehensive. But it is a useful framework. I had planned to do a deeper analysis of the principles and this list but found a weakness in the approach, trying to fit creation into too simplistic a process, into too small a mental concept.
But its always useful to play with ideas that offer a useful way of looking at the world. Like this law:
Colvard’s Logical Premise: “All probabilities are 50%. Either a thing will happen, or it won’t.”
Farber’s Third Law: “We’re all going down the same road in different directions”
Last Updated on October 7, 2018 by Davidya