Recently I’ve written several posts about Finding a Teacher. I’ve also commented on Descartes famous quote as an example of ego, “I think, therefore I am”.
But he actually wrote [Update] “Dubito ergo cogito; cogito ergo sum” (“I doubt, therefore I think; I think therefore I am”)
That adds a twist to what I understood Descartes was saying. The author Martha Beck [of the original article, now off-line] goes on to recommend:
– Embrace uncertainty. There is no absolute truth.
– Test every idea
– Ask if it unites or divides
– Do-Be-Do-Be
(see my post Do Be Do)
[addendum – see comments]
Last Updated on February 16, 2017 by Davidya
Interesting thought. “I doubt..I think, therefore I am.” It’s better to start with a doubt in mind that to end an idea in the cloud of doubts. As always, you’ve wisdom in every word.
Should have done better research – the full quote:
“Dubito ergo cogito; cogito ergo sum.”
“I doubt, therefore I think; I think therefore I am”
Comes back to the original question – who doubts?
“If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.”
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The phrase is discussed in some detail here – Descartes did refer to the simple “I think, therefore I am” alone several times.