Dorothy Rowe and Eva Müller

Dorothy Rowe and Eva Müller

Recently, Eva Müller interviewed Dorothy Rowe. It was a wonderful conversation about babies, parenting, transformation, energy healing, and spiritual evolution. Dorothy was in an especially devotional space, even with her analytical ability.

“The Transformative Power of Divine Love and Consciousness”

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  1. Eva

    Hey David,

    Thank you so much for sharing the interview! Dorothy is such an amazing healer and person, she carries so much love, and her wisdom is truly inspiring. It’s always a pleasure to talk to her and receive her healing!

    Sounds like you’re really busy, which is great! Enjoy your time!

    Eva 🙂

  2. It would seem Dorothy has had a shift or feels more comfortable talking about it now. From her recent newsletter:
    “All healing comes through the grace and mercy of God. It comes through each person’s relationship with the Divine. The energetic fields of the body reside in the energetic fields of creation. Of these, we call the brightest, most life-supporting field “Heaven”. Heaven is within the heart of every person.”

    This field is what I’d call the causal or celestial. Most of the heavens described in various texts are nested spaces within this level.

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