Awakening Beyond Unity: No-Self and Brahman, with Susanne Marie and John Rogers

Awakening Beyond Unity: No-Self and Brahman, with Susanne Marie and John Rogers

Susanne Marie mentioned the anniversary of her conversation with Adyashanti on BATGAP. I’d also written an article on the interview as it was excellent, plus a great example of the variations in “gut” release.

John Rogers broached the idea of having us gather for a recorded conversation. We agreed. We primarily explored the Unity into Brahman process and the need for healing to fully embody.

Most fascinating for me was seeing how our personal nature can influence our process and the subjective experience of that. Susanne Marie is more somatic (body) and sensing oriented. This meant the somatic process was more prominent sooner and embodiment had a more direct path. I’m more about the intellect, meaning more emphasis on details and process. The mind went silent but didn’t stay that way, and the somatic embodiment process has come later. A common underlying process but big variations in the experience and details.

“no-Self” can be a way to describe the initial Brahman shift beyond the cosmic Self or Atman. Atman is the reflective self that Susanne referred to. However, this can develop into Brahman knowing itself. (This is not the same “no-self” some people use for the initial awakening post-ego. There are several common styles of that initial shift. )

On YouTube

Last Updated on December 9, 2024 by Davidya

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  1. Kjetil Wedervang Mathiesen

    Hi David

    What a sweet and all-inclusive conversation this was, with a great transmission of presence. Good to see the underlying map under the variations, gives both direction and foothold. And good to see that more and more people wake up to this, what it does for the world, and that it is totally different and also totally normal. Thank you.

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