Sustaining Circumstances

Sustaining Circumstances

Girl by Nurpalah Dee
Photo by Nurpalah Dee

Recently, I recognized another circumstance in resolving karma. For various reasons, when some karma completes, we may not let it go.

Put another way, even though the consequences have completed, there is some aspect that is attached to it, preventing it from fully resolving.

Perhaps your karma with someone has completed and life wants you to move on to new horizons. But you’re unwilling to let the relationship go.

Or perhaps you’re comfortable with life as it’s been and try to hold on to it, even when being pushed to change.

Or perhaps you’re guilty about how something worked out, so you have resistance to letting it go. You don’t feel that you’ve “learned your lesson” yet.

There are many circumstances that can arise like this. Allowing life to be as it is and to take us where it wants to go is key. When we hold on, we step out of the flow of life, lose support, experience more difficulties, and hold ourselves back.

The deeper we go into our essential nature, the greater our inner sense of safety. Then we can face whatever arises and the inclination to hold on to something changeable falls away. We allow life to be as it is. And that is sooo much better than any relative circumstance.

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  1. ‘When we hold on, we step out of the flow of life, lose support, experience more difficulties, and hold ourselves back.’ -Would you say that at a certain point a ‘threshold’ is reached where it’s not possible to step out of the flow of life in any *real* way, anymore? It feels that way to me, that whether I like it or not, the pushback to ‘stepping off’ is too strong/painful, and like George said above, ‘Thy will be done’

    1. Hi Jen
      I sometimes use the analogy of the path as like a roadway. We can never really get entirely off the path. We can travel on the paved part. Or move onto the gravel shoulder and slow. Or even slip into the ditch. But we’re still on the path.

      We do reach a point where we largely stay on the smooth, but we can still have old triggers or karma that comes up that can throw us off a bit. ie: we remain human. Yet mostly, we’re on the smooth, yes.

      The benefits teach us to trust the process and allow into it more deeply. Life is led not by grasping or avoidance, but by impulses to go with the flow of life itself. This leads us into things beyond what we could dream up for ourselves. Like my getting into grad school on short notice.

      And yes, we experience consequences coming back faster, so we get good at knowing the right path. And we can sense into how life is responding to fine tune our direction.

      Thy will be done. Along with the freedom to enjoy!

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