Earlier, I had planned to attend the Science and Nonduality 2017 US conference to celebrate the launch of Our Natural Potential. However, things took longer than planned, the deadlines passed, the hotel sold out, and I put it aside.
A few days ago, the night before heading off to a retreat, they invited me to join them and share the new book. Before I left the next morning, all the parts were underway.
I have a room in the main hotel (long sold out), the book will be in their bookstore, and I’ll be speaking on a panel with Rick Archer on Sunday (which will go up on BATGAP). The panel is called Sudden or Gradual: Two Paths to Realization?
There are other possibilities yet to unfold that I have to prepare for. I’ll be flying there in 2 weeks. More news to come.
Update: I’ve just been offered a speaking spot and to my surprise, it will be in the print edition of the program.
I’ll be speaking Friday morning, just before lunch – the same slot I had in ’15. This is ideal as it allows questions to go longer. Rick has offered to introduce me again. 🙂
Last Updated on October 6, 2017 by Davidya
Ohhhh isn’t it great how that works!? 🙂
Makes me happy that you can go there and present your book!!!!!!!
…..i am glad that the divine sees it like i do…..that this book is needed there 😉
Kristin Kirk will be there too!
Much love
Now that I have my own speaking spot too, I can more easily highlight the book. 🙂 The panel will get a larger audience though – in person and on-line later – as it’s a BAT event.
And yes- yesterday I was contacted by yet another person who has woken up and needs a better understanding of what is going on.
I look forward to seeing many who I first met in 2015, including Kristin, and making new contacts.
Some pictures of the group I was with in 2015:
See the update – I have a speaking spot in addition to the panel. 🙂
If you happen to be coming to SAND17, I’ll be speaking twice:
“The Reality of Nonduality”
Fri Oct 20, 2017
11:50 AM – 12:30 PM
I’ll be talking about the stages model of the book while raising some of the points I made in articles like this one:
C31. PANEL – Sudden or Gradual: Two Paths to Realization?
Sun Oct 22, 2017
3:30 PM – 5:30 PM