Our Natural Potential Book Launch Event

Our Natural Potential Book Launch Event

On October 11, the official launch date of the book Our Natural Potential, I’ll be holding a small celebration and talk. If you happen to be in the Comox Valley, you are most welcome to join us.If not, the book will be available through most suppliers that day. Have a little treat to celebrate with us. 🙂

The launch event:
Courtenay library
Oct 11, 2017
6 pm – 7:30 pm
300 6th St., Courtenay, BC in the Reading room.


I have more news to come of further developments.

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  1. Jane McCarroll

    Hi David, I intend to come and will likely bring a couple of friends. I have so enjoyed and learned from your writings this year. While mind bending, the observations and perspective have contributed to increased soul awareness. Congratulations on realizing your dream. Janey

  2. Happy to report that a broad range of people showed up for the launch. It ended up standing room only. My talk was about 10 minutes but questions filled the hour and were broad ranging – meaning of life, belief vs experience, current world events, and more.

    Extra treats arrived, so there was lots of goodies to celebrate and many books signed. 🙂

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