Redemptive Love

Redemptive Love

“While transcendent wisdom is realized by dropping one’s attachment to body and mind, redemptive love is an infinite embrace of the entire human condition.” “It comes as a gift and as a grace bestowed upon us when we begin to open our heart in an honest and intimate way to the hidden love flowing through all of creation.”

“Awakening to the potential of redemptive love has the power to change our entire relationship to life. It opens up a perspective where we realize that each one of us is an expression of love that has the power to redeem, or liberate, all that is broken and in conflict. And redemptive love is the means through which we embody and express the transcendent wisdom of spiritual awakening.”
— Adyashanti, speaking to a new course offering on the title subject.

This is a deeper surrender to what is than simple awakening. This is the profound healing and heart awakening that unfolds a much fuller value of life. This is the essence of unfolding God Consciousness.


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