Apologies for the lag in posts. I spent a week on retreat and it’s taking a little time to get caught up.
The retreat with LornLucia (a name symbolic of their unity) was quite distinct from earlier ones. For one, they’ve moved from the prairies to the coast. The retreat was located on an island not far from my home. An area named one of the most pure in the world.
They also offered a part-time extension for the full week. While there was a surface crust of resistance there we began to dissolve, the clarity beneath that was remarkable. It was wonderful to spend the time more deeply intensifying the inner alertness. It was quite profound for me and for a number of others there.
Some of the offshoots of that I’ll be sharing in posts shortly – I have over a dozen subjects lined up.
Isn’t life amazing??
[Update: new domain: http://www.lucialorn.net/ ]
Last Updated on December 11, 2013 by Davidya
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