

Ama is a Sanskrit word from Ayurveda meaning, basically, crud or sludge. (laughs) The basic idea is that when you eat poorly, too much, or otherwise compromise your digestion, the improperly digested crud is not always processed and eliminated but rather tends to build up in the physiology. It’s a white sticky substance that ends up in your digestive system, your circulatory system and your lymph system if it isn’t given the opportunity to clear.

What’s interesting about this from recent topics is that there is also an energetic equivalent of ama that restricts the nadi’s or energy channels of prana. So the tubes get knotted and twisted by stress but also gucked by impure energies. Lifeless or ice cold food and drinks are contributors.

It’s easy to tell if you have ama in your system. Just stick out your tongue in the morning. Is it fresh and pink? Or does it have a white film? That white film is ama. And it means the rest of your system has it, depending on how wide the swath.

In India, there is a long tradition of brushing the teeth plus scraping the tongue to remove this crud. Recently, toothbrush companies have begun adding tongue cleaner features to some brushes. But the better technique is a small wide spoon like a sugar spoon drawn forward across the tongue. Does wonders for mouth chemistry & freshness.

One of the tricks of Ayurveda is tongue diagnosis. Using a little chart like the one here, you can see the ama spread plus signs of issues in other areas of the body, like red areas, cracks, etc.

Here is further links to related resources. Ayurveda is an ancient, simple and natural science of health that is very useful for chronic issues and general health and well being. I first discovered it many years ago when a polluted work environment began to create serious health issues. Western medicine was not able to help but Ayurveda offered simple, cheap, effective solutions. Dr. Lad’s book “Ayurveda: The Science of Self Healing” is an excellent introduction and includes some simple remedies for common issues. It’s on Amazon.

It may not be your usual understanding of how the body works but it does work. Once you get the hang of it, the dictum ‘Patient, heal thyself’ becomes much easier. Life is meant to be enjoyed. If you overdo it, here’s the way to restore balance.


Last Updated on April 10, 2018 by Davidya

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  1. Pingback: Flavour « In 2 Deep

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  5. Hi David,
    I just ran across your blog and it is very helpful. I’m also a TM teacher and Ayurvedic Practitioner. I wanted to mention that Ayurveda actually describes 4 kind of toxins. Ama which you mentioned. Ama Visha – means Ama that has become reactive and acidic, Gar Visha – exogenous toxins from the environment and an energy toxin called Indra Vajra Bhinjaya Vishara (the poison of Indra’s thunderbolt). The first 3 are physical but the last only directly impacts the Nadis. It is caused by overload of EMF and EMR. We use Marma therapy to clean the Nadis of that type of toxin. Here is a video I made on the subject if you are to know more:

    Thank you for your wonderful site!
    Doug Beech

    1. Hi Doug
      Thanks – excellent video. I’ve studied a bit of Ayurveda, but the simpler version – Ama, panchakarma, etc. I appreciate the effective explanation. I know a couple of people who have studied with Dr Mishra and he comes highly recommended.

      You’re welcome.

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