Finding a Teacher Pt 3

Finding a Teacher Pt 3

After speaking about a Teacher, then responding to comments about finding a teacher, I ran into some interesting pages today. Now, certainly, I’ve seen some of those guru-busting sites but they typically have a broad brush that knocks them all down. This site has a more ‘inside’ view. Here is a page on pointers to observe, with a link to some resulting evaluations of teachers. I generally agree but have a caveat I’ll speak of shortly.

They also offer some false flags. Keep in mind no person is perfect. Its only a weighting exercise for quality. You yourself must judge suitability for yourself, alone.

The key point to understand here is that no one teacher offers anyone a complete path, nor an absolute truth. Each, even the low scorers, can offer us something for the path. I’ll use the example of David Hawkins. I’ve referred to him in several posts here. His table of emotional states as a guide to your state is a useful gauge. For your emotions. He’s also made a number of other useful observations. However, he prescribes the use of muscle testing to “calibrate” various teachings, books, and people, even countries. While the technique has validity, it does not for gauging truth nor judging another. If you have had any opening of what was formerly sub-conscious and understand the workings of the core identity, you’ll know this is quite subjective. Illusion is in itself a self-referential tricky bastard. As I have outlined here, truth is relative and is indeed a mental evaluation. For something to be true, something else must be false. Thus we are still speaking duality. This is the Intellect, but is often dropped to a Pro/Con valuation, or even a good/bad, thus falling into the realm of ego. (see Mental States link above for an explanation)

By Hawkins own tables, (example) we get into Pride, under the 200 score required for Integrity, a requirement for validation of ‘calibration’.  You can say no, this is Reason, but its missing the key lesser value of Neutrality. What this also misses is that no one can validate for anything above their own level unless they are a very clear channel. And whats with all the judging of others?

In essence, the highest truth is beyond truth as it is beyond mind. Indeed, the highest truth is beyond even being.

As a teacher, Hawkins is rated poorly in the guide above. This is mostly because absolutism quickly becomes fundamentalism. That does not mean he has nothing of value to offer. It means nothing is black and white and nothing is exclusive. Inclusiveness, the essence of Oneness, means everything. Allowing it all, as Eckhart Tolle would say. (who scores very well)

As others suggest, the best way to choose a teacher is the heart. How does it feel? And what are the circumstances? The most important teachers in my life i did not find. They “came to me”, as in they simply showed up in my life unexpectedly. When the student is ready, the teacher appears…

Thats not to say you shouldn’t look around. In India they call that tapas, or warming. Preparing the ground.

Oh – one more thing. When the teaching feels right, do follow it for as long as it does feel right. Not choosing anything is worse than choosing badly.


Last Updated on May 18, 2020 by Davidya

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  1. Quick comment about David Hawkins: his tables of emotions he developed from Lester Levenson of The Sedona Method. Hawkins studied with Lester in the early 80’s I believe, and then went his own way. The Sedona Method materials contain Lester’s original “chart of emotions” which is, from “low” to “high”:
    apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger, pride, courageousness, acceptance, peace.

    That’d how Lester used to teach it.

  2. Davidya

    Thanks for that detail, Tom. He refers to Linus Pauling as his coauthor. He’s added a few others. I found the emotions table quite good and it almost matched my perspectives model. But I found the upper end weak. Recently, I saw his table of the higher numbers and its a complete dogs breakfast of experiences, way out of any standard sequence. So anyone rated on that basis is meaningless. And to be the judge of the exact level of consciousness of other teachers? Thats arrogance. His table of teachers is full of biases, including putting himself just below the top. Don;t get me started (laughs)

  3. Davidya

    Over time, I’ve lowered my opinion of Hawkins emotional scale. While emotions are an effect of consciousness, using them to judge consciousness is quite misleading. To then go on and judge everyone by this measure is even worse.

    Sedona’s use is much more healthy. It is useful to look at emotional and mental states relative to one another. And study how they can effect our experience. In that sense such scales can be useful but skip the points and judging.

  4. Pingback: Below Fear « In 2 Deep

  5. Ariel

    Yeah, my opinion of Hawkins’ scale has gone down as well.

    The lower level of the scale seems to be pretty good, but I’ve found other models such as those described by Adyashanti to be a closer match to my own experience as well as the experiences of others I’ve talked to.

  6. Pingback: The Neo-Advaita Fog « In 2 Deep

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