As you may know, I am a big film fan. Spiritually oriented films are a remarkable medium for sharing the path.
Living Luminaries is a recent DVD release. They offer 2 versions, the 95 minute film and a 3 DVD set of extended interviews, each about 2 hours. The second does not appear to include the film.
Have not seen it yet but have heard good things. The DVD is on the way.
NOTE – see comments for the evolving availablility links
Last Updated on December 11, 2013 by Davidya
I have seen this film and I highly recommend it for anyone who is seeking happiness for a lifetime,
NOT for a week , month or year….
The key is there, all you have to do is LOOK.
Begin within and the Living luminaries.
Ive ordered the film so will see it shortly myself. Have heard good things.
Even deeper, its not that you have to look for happiness as its not somewhere else. It is here now. We stand in a sea of it. Surprisingly, all we have to do is allow this, but we’re so much of a habit of mind to not see this that we miss what we’re immersed in.
The movie is great! where else could you see Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson, Michael Beckwith, Don Miguel Ruiz, Gary Renard, 2 Rabbis, 2 Christian Pastors, and a Monk ( and a few more besides) all pointing in the same direction to true happiness.
Watch the movie, you don’t need to be unhappy!
Finally got a chance to see the film. Its not unlike One, with a backstory, but about a young mans search for happiness and the truth of that. Well done. Looking forward to seeing the longer interviews. Some unique material with Tolle and Williamson…
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I have made inquiry on how to purchase the DVD but have not had an email response. Anyone here have a resource?
hmmm- its a small operation. They’ve changed the web site and for some reason no longer offer a sale link. Last time I was in, they were sold out of the Interview set but were selling the movie. I had an email conversation with them at the time.
Theres a blog with some links but it has not been updated in months.
You used to be able to buy it here but the store is broken:
You can get it by joining Spiritual Cinema Circle and making an order for the July 07 release.
(they’re doing One next month.)
And you can apparently watch it online here:
Given the nature of small productions, it would not surprise me if they have simply run out of funds for duplication.
Even this site is film preview and contact only…
Thank you, Davidya. Happy to reportI recently received a reply with good news:
Hello Louise,
The film will be released in 1-2 weeks and may be purchased at:
Thank you for your interest in our film.
Gene Sloan
Executive Producer
Interim/Acting Manager
Wanna Be Now, LLC
hmmm – Sounds like they’ve formed a production company for distribution. Perhaps they’ll be producing a higher quality product. The 2 DVD sets I bought were burned, not stamped like a pro product and the cover was a photocopy. So they were doing very small batches on a snug budget. But the film is well done with some unique voices and a wide perspective. Quality production can drain a distribution budget.
If this sort of the thing is of much interest, the interview video set is also quite good – theres a lot more Eckhart on it.
Just as a note, they no longer appear to offer the 3 DVD set of Interviews highlighted in the film. They are well worth it if they do offer them again later.
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Recently had a movie night with about 10 friends and watch it. All enjoyed it. We went on to watch most of the extended interviews over several weeks.
Currently available at
(not 3 DVD set)
The film is spread over a dogs breakfast of web sites. They should forward them all to one place.
Can also watch it here:
And a poor quality rendition is on Google Video
Where can I buy this dvd Living luminaries?
Hi Cristine
If you browse comments, you’ll see the latest info right above your query. I checked and you can still get it there.
In comments, you’ll also note links to a couple of other articles I wrote about the film. They’re the ones with [..]
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