Oopsie… the latest WordPress update has apparently broken the site theme and it’s not displaying comments. They’re there, just not showing.
Am researching options….
Update: Looks like another theme bug and that it’s time to change the Theme to something more recent and supported. Expect the look of the site to change over the next 24 hours. A bit of functionality may vanish or need fixing. Patience please, I don’t have a test environment. 🙂
Update 2: First test of a recommended theme was a fail. It had some significant bugs and missing features. On to another I looked at last year.
Update 3: The new theme is live, I restored the sidebar and footer, and sorted out issues with the Home page. There’s a few oddities, like Comments are all caps during entry, then normal… And I’ll tweak over time. I have been thinking about a refresh for awhile. Seems it was time.
Do you like the new look?
Certainly a Labour. 🙂
Have the new theme active, Comments showing, and have restored the sidebar and footer. The Home page isn’t working right yet and lots of little tweaks. Like why is comments all caps??
Oh my god …… not a bug like covid, I trust ! ! ! Your blog is a life line for me even though I seldom comment. Hang in there for US. We need you ! You help heal folks. Surely you can heal this site (aka sight). Instead of a bug this problem may be simply another form of transformation at which you are very good, though transformation is seldom simple. We are ‘with’ you.
Nah, Judith, a software bug. I live in a place where there was just a few travelers infected. There’s been no community transmission and we’re mostly open again. (An advantage of living on an island.)
But thank you for the well-wishes. I’m doing fine. Some major insights and a big opening recently. I have another batch of articles coming but sometimes they take a little time to gel. Especially if there’s a lot happening in the landscape. 🙂
The site is mostly transitioned. A few small things I’m looking to tweak and I may fancy up the home page further.
And yes, I had planned an update anyway. My theme was old and the look needed a refresh. Nice way to put it. 🙂
Oh Yay! Comment line breaks are working now too!
Deep appreciation for your dedication and all that you share.
Thanks, Cam. I appreciate the feedback.
The new theme is supposed to load faster. And I find the ascending letters on the home page banner fun. Reminds me of the Rankins song “We Rise Again.” (laughs)
Further enhanced the Home page today and tested some other potential features. Tweaked colours a bit. Added some custom CSS to adjust a few spacing issues. A couple of tech support requests in to tweak blog list image overlay opacity and fix missing icons on the social media sharing buttons. And so on.
Just happy to get your posts❤️
I’ve got a few scheduled and more to come, Dan. 🙂