

dylan drums
Photo by Jerry of Dylan

When we’re young, we often feel inspired, full of life, and desire experiences of all sorts.

As we move into child-rearing years, our priorities may shift and security & stability become more important.

By the time we get to mid-life, our dreams are often forgotten. Failures may have overcome our willingness to take chances. We may just ride our life out, enjoying the moments we can. Perhaps we plan for retirement, not realizing that what we’re bringing to the table is more important than the events around us.

If we look at models like Jane Loevinger’s stages of ego development, we may realize we’re a little stuck.

Our culture gives us a cornucopia of expectations about success measured by looks, wealth, talent, power, possessions, children, and more.

And yet our fundamental reason for being is to have experiences from our unique perspective. We knew this instinctively when we were young but this got buried by stories and repressed desires.

And yet, this means that no matter how badly you miss your goals and falter with self-expectations, you’ve still met the primary reason you’re here just by living life.

We can’t fail at why we’re here.

If we take that load of expectations off our plate and learn to enjoy again, we can have some fun with life. That is real success.

PS – perspective makes such a huge difference. Here’s one on sufficiency.

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  1. Jim

    Thank you. Yes, it is imperative to honor and utilize this Divine gift of human life, 24/7.

    Maharishi’s Guru, Sri Brahmananda Saraswati, described it otherwise as selling a diamond for the price of spinach. We all like spinach (?), but the comparison of value is obvious.

    As you have said we have the gift of Infinity in time and space and at the same time, the opportunity of objective reality. A unique opportunity to blend them during human life.

    Jai Guru Dev

    1. Hi Jim
      Right. To paraphrase, if we don’t find God in this life we will have sold a diamond for the price of spinach.

      Yes – a remarkable opportunity. To live a life yet to also know infinity, to know God, and to know yourself as all. Profound gifts of a human life.

      Jai Guru Dev!

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