Acceptance is Without Blame

Acceptance is Without Blame

There is a common idea in spiritual circles that enlightenment is “the solution” and it will make all our problems go away. This isn’t necessarily even taught or conscious. It is the mind’s tendency to interpret this way. For example, when I say “life is bliss” or “awakening is becoming infinite peace,” we can naturally assume this will wash away our old life.

However, our stage of development is a stage in our humanity, not a step out of it. The person ceases to be the center of our being, but we remain in the field of karma and humanity. Our higher nature joins our humanity.

Enlightenment does make it much easier to handle issues that arise. We’re no longer caught by experiences. Seeing more clearly, we can resolve many problems more quickly.

We also recognize our role in conflict more easily. While previously, we blamed others and events for our experiences, we now see that our difficulties come mostly from how we respond rather than the events themselves. (Unskilled empaths have an extra layer here to tune.)

This is also true of energy healing. There is the natural tendency to blame others for our experiences. But relationship – energy or otherwise – is always a two-way street. Until we recognize what we’re bringing to the table, we’ll not see clearly and resolve the dynamic.

For example, I’ve seen people talk about discovering some old crud related to a teacher. Does this mean the teacher has gone bad or that we have some crud to resolve around authority figures?

Or we meet someone and feel an inner reaction. Do we confuse that with attraction? Is that our sensitivity to them? Or is our reaction based on our unresolved junk? Maybe it’s a warning flag?

If we don’t learn these dynamics, we’ll tend to have the same problems with a whole series of people, be it bosses, romantic partners, or sales people. If you hear yourself saying something like “all X are Y,” you know the equation is missing the actual common denominator – you.

The mind makes easy traps of “knowing better” or “having the answer.” Just beware the flag of putting it on others. So often, the issue is primarily our own. That’s why it’s showing up in our life. If we didn’t have a trigger, it wouldn’t create events.

Yet we don’t want to be in a constant second-guessing or mindfulness or healing mode. This is not a natural state. It’s mind trying to control. It’s another form of obsession.

Happily, it can all be healed. As we gradually increase clarity, we can see what we’re bringing to the table and can resolve our contributions. Ahhhh…


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  1. Jim

    Good one. 🙂

    I recall Maharishi Mahesh Yogi speaking about ‘Know Thyself’, and if you don’t know yourself, how can anything else be evaluated accurately, how can anything else truly be known? I first heard this in my early 20’s and really took it to heart.

    Along with the inevitable bumbling, it also creates an automatic humility, care, and surrender that serves us well once we are fully established in Being.

    Funny about the language of enlightenment too, explaining the non-dual in inevitably dualistic terms, and the confusion this creates in the mind.

    Anything described about the enlightened reality is an automatic koan, paradoxical and contradictory. The best it can do is train the reader to stop attempting the unity
    of paradox through reason and logic…and simply Being instead. So the descriptions continue to be completely accurate, even in their seeming incongruity.

    At the same time, this doesn’t prevent the publishing of a continual stream of books and discussions about enlightenment, so there must be a training of the mind going on, simply through reading the myriad descriptions of enlightenment put forth.

    Sometimes I will read a particularly esoteric description, say of a sidhi manifesting, and even though I know it to be accurate, there is no way the logical mind will ever accept it. Aside from vibrationally, there is no language to explain such an experience – no mathematics or science or cosmology that can capture the fullness of the experience. In enlightenment, the mind simply surrenders to the illogical and fully accepts it as a part of life, in the context of Being.

    1. Yes – this relates to one of his famous sayings: “knowledge is different in different states of consciousness.”

      Whatever you say about one stage will only be entirely true of that stage. And when we first enter that stage, there won’t be words for it until it integrates and the mind can catch up – no matter how much it was studied prior.

      Sometimes, I laugh at the things I write as they make little sense from any prior stage. “Uncreated and yet here it is,” for example. Or “beyond consciousness.” (laughs)

  2. Jim

    Yes, the “beyond consciousness” is a really tricky one. I remember realizing that it was irrevocably true, even as my mind could not actually gain any ground with it. 🙂

    1. It can be like describing the taste of an exotic fruit to someone who’s not experienced it. Yet even the mind can’t grok it fully, so it has to surrender to the experience and allow it to be what it is.

      I find that after a few days, mind digests and is usually able to put words to it. But this is a mind that has been exposed to years of Vedic philosophy and a grad degree in the topic. Many never do put it to words. Words don’t matter when reality is what it is. 🙂

      (This is a big reason why you see shows like BATGAP are mostly teachers – people used to talking about it. This can give the impression that everyone who’s awake is a teacher. The vast majority are anything but.)

  3. Jim

    Yep. No teacher here. 🙂 Artist of the absolute as I may be, public success concomitant to social convention – lol. Explored the left brain teacher dynamic to completion (or my satisfaction) through career.

    Yes, very much agree with the digestion you mention, the integration takes a short time, and then even more brief and efficient, taking into account the increasing gravity and scope of consideration.

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