In our culture, we’re encouraged to think of the senses as part of our body. We can point to the places in our body where we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. However, if our senses are parts of the body, how do we have full sensory experiences during dreams, when our body is asleep?
This is because our senses are not in the body, they’re in the mind. When the mind is awake, so are the senses, be we in waking state or dreaming. When the mind sleeps, as in deep sleep, so do the senses.
The body includes vehicles for the senses but to say those are the senses is confusing the vehicle with who’s driving.
As Lorne Hoff observed during a recent conference call, the body is in the senses rather than the senses in the body.
The body (physical) is in the senses, the senses are in the mind, the mind is in consciousness, consciousness is in Brahman and Brahman is in pure Divinity.
Simple. (laughs)
Last Updated on April 26, 2018 by Davidya
Hi David,
It is said that a fully enlightened being’s senses are all interchangeable experientially.
Care to comment..?
Hi Scott
I would describe that as an effect and possible experience but not necessarily universal. Some call this synesthesia, although that’s the term for types of sensory disorder.
When the senses first arise in the mind, they are united and interchangable. They then develop as more distinct, leading eventually to things like sense organs. (eyes, ears, etc)
But when experienced close to their source, that interchange can easily be noticed. The sounds of colours, smell of texture, and so forth.
More interesting is that everything has aspects of all senses. This means they can be experienced in a more multi-sensory way. The “music of the spheres” for example, where planetary motion is also heard. Or the smell of a mountain.
Further, each layer has sensory values so when we’re experiencing the world as multi-layered (seeing the physical, the energy, the flow, the geometry, etc) then all those layers can be perceived simultaneously with all their sensory values.
We are designed to favour specifics though, so our attention tends to move across this range, noticing this, then this, then the other.
All of this though is sensory effects that don’t have a lot of importance. But it can be entertaining for a short bit.
Being awake on multiple levels makes this available so it can arise before enlightenment. It’s just a bit easier after.
That’s cool about experiencing phenomena multi- sensorially and in a multi- layered fashion.
I was thinking more along the lines of the actual sense consciousnesses themselves interfunctioning: like ‘seeing’ with the ear consciousness, ‘tasting’ with olofactoral consciousness, etc.
The different sense consciousnesseses of a fully enlightened being interchanging on the level of function. The normal range & periphery of the senses becomes augmented in miraculous ways… Apparently.
Hi Scott
Yes, that was what I meant by the third paragraph. There are quite a few layers to sensing.
I wouldn’t call it miraculous if you understand the mechanism. It also doesn’t take enlightenment to gain this but will be easier and more common after.
Entertaining perhaps, but it’s mainly just different ways of perceiving the world. The more important thing is recognizing what is doing the perceiving in the first place.
Absolutely, yes. Thanks.