Call and Response

Call and Response

If you’ve ever been to a Kirtan, you’ve experienced call and response. They sing a Sanskrit phrase and you repeat it back. If this is unfamiliar, a kirtan is chanting in a group, done in a sung style, usually with musical accompaniment. It is a Bhakti devotional practice. For example:

The universe around us is formed in a similar manner. Only the response isn’t a repeat but rather a modulation. And there are multiple modulators, all carefully timed together. The singers are the laws of nature (devata). A harmonic choir of astonishing beauty.

This “song” happens very rapidly and at much higher frequencies than human speech. It also occurs in what I commonly call the bliss kosha or layer here, the 3rd stage of becoming. You may recall the old phrase that we are born of bliss.

You may have heard expressions like that the universe is sung into being. It is a somewhat more complex song than a kirtan but in many ways call and response mirrors that, when done with an open heart and gratitude. Creation is done in celebration and joy, literally.

Related to this is also some verses on being together, in the same manner as said beings.

Last Updated on June 16, 2016 by

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  1. Amaryllis

    Hi David, reading this feels wonderful in my body, but I don’t really understand the meaning of the words (comprehension of devatas is over my head for now) … I find this a strange combination of experiences 🙂

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