Interview Follow-up

Interview Follow-up

Above is an aerial shot of the lodge property where we enjoyed the potent retreat along with interviewer Rick Archer.

The BATGAP interview took place Friday, Sept. 25 at Kiwi Cove Lodge as planned. The weather was good, so we sat out in the gazebo beside the Kiwi orchard (7 varieties). Clare Blanchflower‘s interview followed, then the retreat began. Lorne and Lucia’s interview did not go ahead as they wish to get their book ready before the onslaught of new contacts.


Unlike my usual articles, the interview is our spiritual story – how things unfolded here.

These are 3&4 of 5 road trip interviews that will be posted when preped in a couple of weeks. I’ll let you know when it’s on-line.

UPDATE: Our mention of L&L during the interviews more than doubled the demand and number of retreats held since.


Last Updated on April 26, 2018 by Davidya

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  1. Rose Rosetree

    Congratulations, Davidya. You got the super-deluxe version of Batgap interview, exactly what you deserve as a teacher’s teacher.

    I’m looking forward to watching this immensely.

  2. Michael

    Ha 🙂
    sometimes the divine flows through ones speaking and other People are deeply impressed and got just what they needed to hear at the Moment and oneself has only a very vague idea what was being “transmitted”.

  3. Pingback: BATGAP Interview Live |

  4. Jane Anderson-Ross

    Hi David,
    I am so pleased with your interview! I am in total agreement with you! I rarely find that. I am being interviewed on BatGap, in December 2015. You have affirmed much for me!
    I would love to hang out wherever you and the retreat participants hang out!:)))

  5. Thanks, Jane
    Congrats. It’s an interesting process that has shifted some background things. For me, it’s been a marker for the end of some old karma.

    You may also enjoy Clare’s interview- the one right after mine. She also writes poetry. (mine is a little more rare. (laughs))

    You’d be more than welcome on one of the retreats, I’m sure. People come from all over. But they book quickly and now with Clare and I talking about them, probably even more so.

    A group of us live on Vancouver Island a little N of there in a similar environment. It’s really nice to get together socially with others similar as it amplifies and facilitates what is here. 🙂

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