When we communicate with animals and plants, it’s not about about the physical. It’s not the body language and it’s not the words. Other species don’t use English or Spanish and body language can have different meanings, even in different human cultures. For example, a smile may be seen as a threat, a baring of teeth.
What matters is how they’re used to communicating now. Energy. What we’re broadcasting. Our feelings and intentions. This is pre-verbal.
It’s thus important to settle – partly so we’re quiet enough to hear those signals under the chatter of our mind and partly so we’re radiating a settled feeling. If we’re feeling pushy or needy or angry or fearful, that can be repelling. Further, there needs to be permission. If we approach a new animal for the first time, they may not wish to communicate then. Trust is the basis of real communication.
For example, in a video clip, Animal Communicator Anna Breytenbach meets an angry panther and communicates with him to find out what is troubling him. With mental pictures and feelings, a great deal can be expressed. Although words are not what is exchanged, our mind can then take that information and give it words. And thus we can pass on what was communicated. While an animal may recognize the sound of a name, the meaning they give it will relate to the feeling it’s used with. It may be nothing like the meaning we give it.
If you’d like an illustration, think of when you might be with people talking in a language you don’t know. While you don’t understand the details, you’ll probably still be able to get a good sense of the theme of the conversation. Partly by the body language but if you pay relaxed attention, much more can be learned from the feelings being expressed. Of course, the second means stepping out the mind. You have to feel the feelings and let the mind label them afterwards. If mind tries to figure it out, it will just make stories.
It’s the same with plants. Plants are always signalling who they are and communicating. But most of us are too noisy to notice. From the quiet, you can hear the “voice” and with a little practice can get a sense of what is being said. Just keep in mind that the words are your mind, “translating” the pre-verbal impressions. And just as there are always some words in one language that don’t have equivalents in another, there are some impressions that are hard to put into words. But it’s the impressions that matter rather than the words.
I was surprised to discover that plants had senses like sight and hearing. But because they don’t have sense organs, they’re less focused. And because of their physiology, they process more slowly than we do. This makes more sense if you realize senses are structured in consciousness rather than in physical organs. But the result is that they do have a real sense of what’s around them. And they check in with neighbours and so forth. Larger plants and trees can have quite distinct personalities.
In this clip, Anna presents much of the above in her own words at Findhorn. She gives an intro, then plays the video of the panther meeting (above). At about 46 minutes, she begins a Q&A that covers a wide range of topics. (the video quality is low)
This post marks 1400 articles here. Plus another 475 over on my other blog…
That post was really!!!! interesting!
much love
Agreed, Michael. Love it when I find resources that explain alternate ways of experiencing the world more clearly.
Anna also clearly has a spiritual background that informs some of what she said.