Self Sufficiency

Self Sufficiency

Eckhart Tolle speaks of the pain body, what might be called our blob of unresolved experiences or incomplete emotions or karma.

With the dawning of Cosmic Consciousness, we lose our attachment to a me and shift to being cosmic. We can much more effectively shed the remaining pain body and move beyond the construct of suffering. As an infinite, cosmic, eternal being there is a dawning of sufficiency and a deep sense of centredness.

With time, we come to embody peace, freedom, and happiness.

With the unfolding heart and God Consciousness, we become fountains of love and supporters of the world. With unfolding Unity we become the world and shift it cosmically.

Throughout this process of unfolding, the quality of self sufficiency grows. By the time Brahman unfolds, self-sufficiency becomes a lived reality. We don’t need a relationship to flow love to, a universe or creation to play in, or a form of God to support us. We are more than everything. We are self-sufficient.

This however does not in the slightest mean we lose interest in anything, except perhaps temporarily. We may tolerate nonsense less but the enjoyment of life and relationship flowers. Now, they’re not based on need but on the simple sharing of life. The enjoyment of coming together. Paradoxically, the person also remains as a kind of thin film, complete with all of its preferences, desires, and joys.

On the surface, the same old, same old. But within, the rock. None of it is needed so there can be a much deeper allowing of whatever happens to show up in the apparent life. As the person has since been recognized as cosmic, it becomes a healing or transformative presence in whatever apparent environment it’s in.

Last Updated on November 11, 2017 by Davidya

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  1. Yes. I was a little slow on this count. I’d been attributing changes to other factors and had not recognized this properly until it was pointed out.

    Right context can be very valuable. We eventually figure it out but new perspectives can have unknown aspects we may not notice quickly, depending on clarity.

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