To quote Monty Python, and now for something completely different…
In the style of using Youtube clips to communicate, here is my response to some friendly chiding.
Vancouver Ad
Vancouver Yoga
A flash mob that launched a 10 day party
(during the Olympics)(in February)
And to be honest, Vancouver stereotypes that are true:
And yes, we wear socks with sandals. I like Tevas.
Last Updated on January 29, 2014 by
I think Vancouver—>Seattle—>Portland is like the evolution chart of the hipster. Vancouver is fertile for hipsters though. Did you make that first video?
No – thats a Lululemon yoga clothing ad. (their logo is everywhere in it) I dunno about hipsters but the Pacific NW was certainly fertile with HipPIES in my generation 😉
Made me laugh out loud before morning meditation. Yay!
I got this in a response – Vancouver Sunrise from Burnaby Mtn.
Beautiful! And guess what? People wear socks with sandals in Iowa too (-:
Yeah, but are they from Iowa? A fellow in Chicago said that just the over-70’s wear socks in sandals there. I’d say it’s the reverse here.
Glad you enjoyed. You might like the sunrise clip in comments too…
When I said beautiful I was referring to the sunrise clip. Tho I suppose it could also be said of socks and sandals. And at least one under 70 person in Iowa wears such (-:
Right. because of the sequence of posting, I thought you might not have seen the clip but realized after thats what you referred to.
I still say a native Iowan would be unlikely to wear socks with sandals. And those guys who don’t wear shoes even in winter – definetly not from Iowa. 😉
Speaking of Yoga Vids…
Yo! from our southern neighbours. 😉
More laughing before morning meditation. Great to know that dynamic co existence of opposites is still happening SOMEWHERE in the Universe (-:
Certainly in CA 😉
Awsome =)
Thanks for the feedback, Raz