

To quote Monty Python, and now for something completely different…
In the style of using Youtube clips to communicate, here is my response to some friendly chiding.

Vancouver Ad

Vancouver Yoga

A flash mob that launched a 10 day party
(during the Olympics)(in February)

And to be honest, Vancouver stereotypes that are true:

And yes, we wear socks with sandals. I like Tevas.

Last Updated on January 29, 2014 by

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  1. Davidya

    Hi GV
    No – thats a Lululemon yoga clothing ad. (their logo is everywhere in it) I dunno about hipsters but the Pacific NW was certainly fertile with HipPIES in my generation 😉

  2. Davidya

    Yeah, but are they from Iowa? A fellow in Chicago said that just the over-70’s wear socks in sandals there. I’d say it’s the reverse here.

    Glad you enjoyed. You might like the sunrise clip in comments too…

  3. Davidya

    Right. because of the sequence of posting, I thought you might not have seen the clip but realized after thats what you referred to.

    I still say a native Iowan would be unlikely to wear socks with sandals. And those guys who don’t wear shoes even in winter – definetly not from Iowa. 😉

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