Objective Subjectivity

Objective Subjectivity

In the west, we have for several hundred years taken the route of science. The objective study of the perceivable world. Outside of Psychology, the subject has been put aside, branded as unreliable and superstitious. Recently, subjects like Physics have begun to run into subjective interference in test results. The famous double-slit experiment, for example, illustrated that the attention of the scientist on the apparatus changed the results. Science has begun to have to pay attention to the role of the subject. Indeed, it becomes clear that ignoring the role of the scientist in the study means there is no true objectivity as it is always relative to who is experiencing it, who is interpreting the results.

This is a fundamental fact of human existence. Experience is relative to who is experiencing. It’s a conundrum for science as it’s a territory they have long considered murky and unreliable. But this is because they do not know the true subject.

In the east, there is a long history of self-knowledge. When you are able to found your experience in the deeper unchanging Self, you enter a new realm of possibility. The objective subject. Objective study of  subjectivity.

Understanding of this historical knowledge has long been hampered by language and cultural differences. There is simply no context with which to work with it. No clarity on the essential nature of the message, under the cultural underpinnings. But as more westerners become founded in the unchanging, those same truths are being rediscovered in a western context. Lacking western verification, they turn to the east and find the records, deep in some obscure books in an old library. The Rig Veda comes to life.

This is the important thing to understand about some of the knowledge coming out now. Certainly there is still a big share of opinion and philosophic belief out there. But a growing number of westerners are showing up with direct experience of the nature of existence. They are not spouting beliefs or opinions but what is.

Now certainly no one persons experience will be the complete document of what is. Existence is a massive place, beyond our minds conceptual skills. As has been perceived again and again, the vastness of our universe is but a pearl on the necklace of Brahm. A grape in the vast gardens of creation. And there is not just one creation. We could say God has had other ideas. (laughs)

Each person experiences what is in their own unique way, adding their own flavour, their own perspective. But if they are founded in the unchanging, it will be a true vision of what is, to the limits of what one human can offer. This is why the old texts are assembled groups of cognitions. It takes many perspectives to tell the story of Being. Indeed, that is the point of the whole thing. The sum of all experiences is what is and why it is.

It is a more remarkable time we are in that we can know. The doors of knowledge that have long been lost in the back corridors of time are being relit. People sometimes speak of things like space being the “final frontier”. It is only the final frontier of the finest crust on the surface of what is. There is so much more, more than we can even imagine. Those are the doors we are stepping through now.


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