The Hardware Phase

The Hardware Phase

hanging pots
photo by fdecomite

The question occasionally comes up around this idea of past golden ages – if its true, why isn’t there more archaeological evidence? Well, for one thing, because we’ve not looked for it. Science would not fund such research. It doesn’t fit the model. Aside from some conjectural stuff like “Chariots of the Gods” in the ’60’s, there is little widespread knowledge of the distant past. Yet there is ample evidence of megalithic structures all over the world. Certainly, the pyramids are best known, but these also exist in China, Japan, Mexico, and more. And they notably have similar group alignments. There are structures in Egypt that even today engineers are not capable of erecting. And the story of how the pyramids were built is hogwash. Palm trees cannot support weight, no mater how many slaves you add.

Another factor is earth changes. The exact fitting structures off Bermuda and Japan now sit in the ocean. Time and entropy destroy a great deal of evidence. But there are also very old texts that are sparsely translated with detailed instructions for building flying machines, navigational instruments and more. The Vimanas of India, for example.

Of course there are lots of theories and ideas about what we don’t know. Humans are great for taking what is known and projecting it into the trash. But there is one trend that seems obvious on reflection.

The hardware stage of technology lasts just a few hundred years. At a certain point, discoveries are made on how to work with energy and forces more directly. Less hardware is required, thus less evidence. Further along, knowledge of consciousness expands into the “siddhi” range and we learn to do simply with awareness.

As a result, the ravages of time and the earth and the folly of man (such as burning the library at Alexandria) leave little evidence for the brief and passing hardware phase. The one we’re in.


Last Updated on October 7, 2018 by Davidya

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  1. Shadowduck

    Not that it detracts from your main point, but large structures have been built using log rollers, sand slopes etc. – just to prove that it was possible for the egyptians to have done it that way.I’m also curious as to the “structures in Egypt that even today engineers are not capable of erecting.” Which structures are they? The ancient egyptians achieved some phenomenal acts of civil engineering but I’m not aware of any that couldn’t be reproduced with modern technology, albeit it at massive cost!Not trying to be argumentative, it just doesn’t sound right…

  2. Davidya

    When they built the Aswan dam, they had to cut a number of structures up to move them. I saw a piece on a large statue recently they want to move but can’t, so they had to build around it. They’ve also uncovered further structures with even larger stones.

    While they have demonstrated how a smaller group of people could move the typical 2.5 ton stones using cradle techniques, the problem remains of the 15 and 70 ton stones used structurally.

    There is also the issue of precision. They built with an accuracy that is close to what is possible today. And the issue of why there were is no apparent development but instead a decline. Much is left to be known.

    My point is mainly that we have an assumption of a linear progression of human development whereas there is evidence its more cyclic. Most older civilizations recognized this longer cycle.

  3. Shadowduck

    There’s certainly a lot we don’t know about how ancient civilisations achieved some of the things they did, and a lot of incosistency in the theories (both mainstream and “alternative”) that attempt to answer the questions. I’ve just had a read online about some of the more inexplicable things, but unfortunately it’s difficult to find information on them outside of websites devoted to ufo-chasing and atlantis theories… Not that I’m suggesting such sources are at all unreliable of course! 😉

  4. Shadowduck

    For what it’s worth, that first wink was unintentional and should have been a “)”! I miss having a “preview” button…
    Not sure if it’s possible with the software you use, but a notification option would be nice too! (hint, hint) 😀

  5. Davidya

    Right. I often see some great commentary, then find it spiced with paranoia or conclusion jumping. But the net does offer some great material amongst the chaff, tidbits you can follow to some remarkable material.

  6. Davidya

    There is a Comments RSS feed link at the bottom of the page. I’m just using the free version. Plan to migrate to something hosted when the volume is strong enough. Then i can add better features. Did recently add Feedburner to at least improve basic communications.

  7. Shadowduck

    I’ll certainly be reading more about the subject, especially as it’s one I used to have quite an interest in. Typically of the World Wide Wasteoftime I’ve got a little sidetracked after reading and am working through some of the other articles on that site – very interesting stuff – but I’ll find my way back to ancient egypt eventually I’m sure.

    I hadn’t spotted the comments RSS link, that’ll save me keep checking (or missing responses). Thanks for pointing it out!

    1. Hi Chris
      You found an old article here. 🙂 I’d now say the “hardware” phase lasts a little longer than I mentioned in the article, going through stages of refinement. The article mentions technology in the different ages: siddhi, mantra, and yantra that would be an example of that. Our evolution from steam to electricity would be another.

      The article mentions a lot of terms and sources but really doesn’t say a lot. It’s a huge topic to study flying technology over vast swathes of time. The major problem with most recent works on the topic is that most are interpreting by comparing to modern tech whereas the references are to tech we’ve not discovered. Most of the images are good examples.

      For example, we’ve discovered coherent light (laser) but have ignored coherent magnetism. (it’s been discovered but not explored) Our understanding of mantra is close to 0. Ditto siddhis. You can go into any spiritual book store and see over a dozen translations of the Yoga Sutra. It describes exactly how to do them. But we don’t understand it enough to perform them.

      Fascinating topic though. Imagine being able to go anywhere in the world within a few hours in a vehicle cheaper than a car, that runs off the sun. Then imagine how that would change our cities. 🙂

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